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Everything posted by Unwoke

  1. Really….interesting. Can you show me proof of that? Never knew that, an didn’t care since he’s been dead for 24 years, on top of the fact he wasn’t running for office. Lol
  2. The articles in the post are there for you to pick apart but you can’t. Your response is always pick apart the messenger instead of the message. Typical Lazy Liberal.
  3. I know nothing about Fred Trump. What do you personally know about Fred Trump that’s fact? I enjoy learning from hypocrites.
  4. Just as I figured , when you can’t come back with an answer to some of the facts that I’ve posted you’ve got too use “the folks like you” instead of actually doing any research to debunk what’s been posted.
  5. Why are you casting stones at Fred Trump who’s been dead 24 years. Did you know his Heart before he died?
  6. So Rasmussen Polls are just folks? You act like just regular folks just write up these articles and do all the data research. Please show me the facts where I’ve been wrong on what I posted. Mr. SMH
  7. None of my business about Fred Trump . I know nothing about him just like you. He’s his own man an has been dead for 24 years. But please be offended.
  8. He typically stays in the Crack House.
  9. Allowing this to continue to happen with out fixing it is why this country is in the shape it’s in because the people’s voice is not being implemented hence the destruction of this country. Our country will not survive with being allowed. Fix the FRAUDULENT ELECTIONS!!
  10. This same type of nonsense happened in the 2020 election, but but we have no evidence or standing. Out right thievery!
  11. Imagine that….But…but Trump lost because he was a Meanie. I believe Elon Musk said “Twitter has interfered in elections”. He has the receipts he should know.
  12. 🍊🍊🍊 800,000 plus people gathered to protest the fraudulent election an this is what the J6 Unselect Committee came up came up with?😂😂😂 Boy….what an Insurrection!😂😂😂
  13. Kinda seems like a pattern….wouldn’t you say.
  14. If the voter suppression that took place in Maricopa County AZ had happened in Fulton County GA it would be the biggest story in the entire country and Stacey Abrams would be on a nonstop national media tour about it. They're trying to brush it under the rug.
  15. Funny how most the people suspended on Twitter for "misinformation" about COVID, the vaccine, and masks - have now been proven right about what they said about COVID, the vaccine, and masks.
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