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Everything posted by Unwoke

  1. Happy Thanksgiving giving to all! Good Luck to all the Area High School Football Teams playing this Friday! Unfortunately I can’t post in the High School Football Thread due to a Hyper Sensitive Moderator that is fishing buddies with the biggest berater in the Football forum 14.2.
  2. Here’s another small sample how you steal votes, this happened in Arizona a couple of weeks ago at the midterms in a deep red precinct. If this was in a precinct of black people it would be voter suppression an World News. Same thing happened in Harris County in Deep Red Precincts except the Democrats in charge made sure there weren’t enough ballots at 21 deep precincts. They were running out by 10’am an would not answer the phone to get more delivered. There is plenty of ways to manipulate the vote your just to ignorant to see it.
  3. Maybe he’ll have a ballot harvesting apparatus in place like the Democrats in the swing states that were stolen from him to help him overcome the thievery. Here is description of Trump from one of the Biggest Democrats in the U.S., Michael Moore. I’d have to say he’s pretty accurate in his description of Trump an why people feel the way they do about him.
  4. If the laptop was Don Jr.’s the entire family would’ve already been raided, prosecuted, and in prison.
  5. Alright everyone, I have posted a lot stuff about the vaccine but this hard hitting documentary is a must see. Take the time to watch the whole documentary if you can stomach some of the scenes. They can be a little gruesome. Feel free to share this with everyone. There is a Evil vs Good battle that has been going on.
  6. Breaking … Cardinalbacker & CBS has confirmed that the Hunter laptop, where thousands of pictures have been all over the internet for 2 years - is actually real. They should be embarrassed. Every single former Intel agent who said Hunter’s laptop was Russian disinformation - knew they were lying when they said it. Every single one of them are scumbag, lying traitors who are the enemy of the USA. If you can’t see this - you’re truly lost.
  7. I bet Cardinalbacker believed this narrative also. Lol
  8. Hey Mr TDS, I said no one bludgeoned a police officer with a fire extinguisher. Show me where that happened after you read the definition of bludgeoned. Where are the other 14,000 hrs of video from that day? Can you answer that question? Let’s see ALL the video from that day. If you want to put someone on trail for that day let’s investigate Pelosi. She was the one in charge of Security but no Mr TDS don’t want to go down that road, that would make too much sense. You would just rather scream ORANGE MAN ORANGE MAN like a little Beta Male. 😂🍊😂 bludg·eon /ˈbləjən/ Learn to pronounce verb past tense: bludgeoned; past participle: bludgeoned beat (someone) repeatedly with a bludgeon or other heavy object. Cardinalbackers Party of Peace on Display.
  9. They called the truth “misinformation” so they could hide it from you.
  10. Might I also add people don’t trust the government because a billionaire child trafficking ring ( Epstein)was exposed and we still don’t have the names of who participated. But Cardinalbacker, Big Girl, and UTAlum has full faith in the government and mainstream media. Lol Nothing but lies an some people just swallow it whole. Lol
  11. There you have it folks! As usual Trump Deranged Cardinalbacker was wrong again! This is exactly why we don’t trust the full J6 narrative. Lol Paul Pelosi opened the door for the police and then retreated back towards the attacker. Sounds logical. Lol Must suck to be wrong all the time. 😂
  12. Yep….I Love It! Lot of Karen’s Crying out There! Lol
  13. Oh look Cardinalbacker CBS has finally realized that Hunter Biden’s laptop is legit. The FBI has sat on it since 2019. Remember you calling Giuliani a con artist on this situation? Your wrong as usual because your such a gullible TDS recipient. 😂 How bout that , the FBI sitting on this evidence before the 2020 Election. We all knew it was legit except you. Smh
  14. I’ll tell you why because it would kill the narrative.
  15. Sure wish Nancy Pelosi would release ALL the video from that day so everything could be put into context not just clips. Lol Again anyone that violated the law should be prosecuted accordingly. Everything I have read has said those doors are magnetic doors that are controlled by Capitol Police. It wasn’t a Trump person that got into the control room to open the doors. Nancy Pelosi is in charge of security at the Capitol. Why did she refuse the National Guard. Why was her Emails and Texts leading up to and including that day subpoenaed? I will tell you why because it would kill the narrative.
  16. Democrats received 10 million LESS votes in 2022 than they did in 2018. Republicans received 3 million MORE—a 13 million vote swing. Don’t let anyone tell you Republicans didn’t turn out, they did. It was early mail and harvesting in about 20 key districts. Unfortunately Republicans will have to get in the mud with Democrats on ballot harvesting next go round.
  17. Over and Over and Over Again. He’s the View’s Brightest Pupil. Orange Man Bad! Lol
  18. Your derangement is what is annoying has hell but it does provide good comedy. If someone has violated the law then they should be sentenced accordingly. Again no one was bludgeoned with a fire extinguisher. Your TDS is exaggerating the truth. Was it the Capitol Police that were taking selfies and letting the protesters in that got hit? By the way where’s the thousands of hours of video of that whole day? All you see is a few clips here and there when there are hundreds of cameras all over the Capitol. Isn’t that odd. Let’s see all the thousands of hours of video from that day. There’s a reason we don’t see all the video from that day, it doesn’t fit the narrative an that’s why J6 Clown Committee fell apart. Lol
  19. Yep, Liar. No one got bludgeoned with a fire extinguisher. Rolling Stone Magazine…Good Grief If you read the exaggerated article, the gentleman charged said on his website he was acting in self defense. Mean while our Country is being invaded with no arrest. Glad you found the clown emoji because it fits you.
  20. Liberals on Twitter are melting down ever since Elon Musk reinstated Trump on Twitter. LMAO! Crank it Up! 😂
  21. I truly believe when you die you’ll have something negative to say about Trump on your Headstone at the Cemetery. Your nothing but an outright liar. An autopsy says differently and an investigation said differently.
  22. I see the Producer from “The View “ has decided to chime in. Amazing how he was taken off Twitter a day or two after that tweet so no one would see it. Twitter was his unfiltered way of talking to the American people. The 45th President was silenced for all most the past two years while all the Marxists have been destroying this country. Welcome to reality.
  23. Well, Well , Well…look what we have here. Elon Musk reinstated Trump yesterday on Twitter an look at what Trump tweeted right before they took him off Twitter 9 January 2021. I knew it, most informed people with common sense knew it, but the dumb uniformed people of this country didn’t know it. The little commies were hard at work to silence truth.
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