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Everything posted by Unwoke

  1. True…maybe Bullets13 has a good explanation why where still counting votes. I have one, it’s called F R A U D!
  2. Dang….the election denier’s in Brazil just keeps growing. They are not happy with the left stealing their election. I bet it was the most secure election in history like ours. 😂
  3. I promise you that didn’t hurt my feelings Lol but the same thing y’all whine about Trump hurting peoples feelings you do yourself because of your TDS. Typical Liberal Hypocrisy. You probably didn’t even bother to watch the clip about Kari Lake. She left a well paying job of being a journalist for 28 years because she couldn’t handle the hypocrisy and propaganda being spewed by the media kinda like the same nonsense you spew on this forum. Lol
  4. What happened to being professional when debating. Donaldina? If your referring to Kari Lake…..well this is a short version of her story.
  5. A large portion of the Republican Party needs to go anyway. The Republican Party needs a serious cleansing. And if you think the last 2 years sucked, wait an see how bad the next 2 years are going to be. Desantis may not even run in 2024.
  6. We’ll….if he’s as bad a candidate as you say he is then he want make it out of the primaries. If he’s the Republican nominee then you can just vote for your feelings or stay home. Or you can just keep voting for more Marxist Communist Candidates. Feelings……
  7. Exact same thing in Harris County Texas happened except the Democrat controlled elections office made sure that 21 precincts that were deep deep red did not have enough ballots to cover each precincts registered voters. A example of one of the precincts is they delivered 600 ballots to a precinct that typically gets 2800 voters. When they called the elections office to have them deliver more because they we’re about to run out by 10 am, the elections office totally ran by Democrats would hang up on them. Thousands of voters could not vote in Harris County due to this BS move by the Democrats. A lawsuit is underway to get a new election.
  8. Dang ! look at all those election deniers in Brazil. I am sure there was just a honest mishap with the machines. People with common sense have a good nose for smelling BS an the stinch in American elections stinks to high Heaven.
  9. That’s what primaries are for. Let them bludgeoned each other, that is if Desantis decides to run. Talk bout windbag. In Desantis victory speech last he said an I quote “Florida is where Woke comes to die”. Kinda sounds like something Trump would say. Lol. I like it but that may be too harsh for some of those those squishy moderates you were referring too. I think both have done a good job but keep in mind Desantis is a politician. Trump is a Alfa Male, an sucks all the oxygen out of a room when he’s in it. Don’t think Desantis doesn’t acknowledge that fact.
  10. The people of Arizona do not know what there talking about, Bullets13 said everything was Legit. He’s already done a complete and thorough investigation. That includes the massive issues they had in 2020.
  11. Feelings over policy, Got it. Biden had been insulting people for over 40 years…..so what’s your point?
  12. Reasonable Republican?…..You mean a RINO? Got it. I know…. her policies she wanted to implement were so Radical. Lol Common Sense Constitutional Policies that Protect and Benefit Everyone, Including Election Integrity. Our Election System is Joke. A core societal dilemma posed by ballot harvesting is that elections will increasingly be decided by the least engaged and least interested voters. For example, the Election Day votes of parents enraged by Dems pushing pornography at school are easily negated by 1 good harvester.
  13. You know exactly what I was talking about. I am not aware of a Trump assessment from her. Make no mistake, It doesn’t Matter if Jesus Christ ran for President in 2024 as a Republican, the Democrats would harvest enough ballots to beat him to retain power an implement the Communist Marxist Agenda. The voting apparatus is set in place with the mail in voting in key states so it’s not going to matter who the candidate is in 2024. Not to mention majority of the Republican Party are Democrats. Just one Big Uniparty devouring everything in its path.
  14. Full of Truth? Obviously that makes you short circuit. Lol
  15. A few weeks ago, over 300 million lottery tickets where sold in 4 days. Within hours of the drawing, lottery officials knew how many winning tickets were sold and where the winning tickets were sold, down to the specific store locations. 4 days after voting has closed, some voting officials don't know how many people voted, how they voted, who they voted for, or what the accurate results are. The US election system is broken on purpose.
  16. Trump needs to run the largest Republican ballot harvesting operation in history if he wants to win in 24. Remember when Pelosi took back the House in 2018 and the first act she tried was mail-in ballots? It was never about Covid. This was the Holder plan all along.
  17. Dave Chappell telling it like it is about Trump. Lol [Hidden Content]
  18. Anyone claiming ballot harvesting is as secure as in-person voting is a fool or a liar, but definitely a Democrat. Republicans win election day. And Democrats win whatever you want to call what follows.
  19. We have an election season not an Election Day. Freaking ridiculous!
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