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Everything posted by Unwoke

  1. Mitch McConnell dumping $9 million into Alaska so pro-abortion RINO Lisa Murkowski could beat an America First Republican instead of spending it in Arizona for Blake Masters, whose race is going down to the wire, should be the nail in the coffin for his time as Leader. Is that Trump’s fault too?
  2. When people used to vote on Election Day falling behind in the last week meant you’d lose. No more. Democrats’ mastery of early ballot harvesting means if you surrender your lead once media coverage intensifies, or you have a disastrous debate, you’ve already banked your ballots. This is especially true where very high concentrations of party-line Democrat voters are concentrated in a small geographic area, compared to a widely dispersed rural vote. What does a final poll showing GOP up 2 really mean if Dems already harvested the ballots they need to win?
  3. The good ole Washington Compost. Trump has been dragging soft Republican Butts across the finish line in many races for the past 6 years. I find it hilarious to think other wise. To think that he’s going to win every race he endorses it not realistic.
  4. Breaking ... Maricopa County has announced that they're already counting votes this early morning - and they feel extremely confident they can count at least 3 votes per hour for the rest of the day.
  5. Unwoke

    FOX News

    Now is a good time to invest in automobile blinker fluid. I see there being a big demand for it going forward.
  6. It was done that way intentionally imo.
  7. It’s Easier to count 500 votes. When you divide each county into small precincts with fully vetted representatives from both parties, then forward results to a main precinct it doesn’t take that long to get results.
  8. Remember: it’s totally normal and not at all suspicious that everything is faster and more efficient in modern times yet somehow our voting results take longer to tabulate than they did in 1802.
  9. Florida could have counted their votes plus every vote in Nevada and Arizona by now. What a joke.
  10. The fact is the most effective Democrat in America is going to be the dead guy they just elected.
  11. Let me help you. He’s Joe Biden’s Uncle Fester. Go watch the debate between him an Oz. You’ll be dumbfounded and scratching your head.
  12. Explain objectively the election of Fetterman? His rambling nonsense is pretty close to being a talking dead person.
  13. Go learn how to use Twitter an figure it out.
  14. Narrative - Uninformed and ignorant because some of the voters admitted it they didn’t know he died. If it happened on the Right, they would also be uninformed and ignorant.
  15. There is no narrative. They re-elected a dead person. The article says some that voted for him were oblivious of that fact. Let me switch the term dumb to ignorant so it doesn’t hurt your feelings.
  16. You failed to mention he died 9 October. They had 30 days to reprint ballots.
  17. This is how dumb the Democrat Voter is, it’s hard to compete against a voter this dumb! It defies logic or maybe just down right corruption. Smh
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