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Everything posted by Unwoke

  1. I no it’s a little late but great job by our kicker for kicking I believe a 35 yard field goal a couple seconds be the first half was over. Go Pirates!🏴‍☠️
  2. A Huffman poster said this year’s senior class was thin and on top of that 5 of their players went over to Dayton. He said they’ve suited up as many as 6 freshman on varsity due to injuries. Tough year for them but it happens to us quite often also when it comes to injuries. With that said hopefully the Pirates bring it an get the Win.
  3. Yes he did but isn’t he one of the ones that started a petition to have CT removed? If so then he needs to own the Mustang Rehabilitation at WOS. The Dallas Duck needs to look in the mirror as to whom is to blame for this tremendous season that is going on.
  4. Toothpaste is already out of the tube now, an it’s going to be a mess trying to put it back in by hand.
  5. I respect your opinion. As a taxpayer and homeowner I have no problem with the school district taking care of our student athletes when they are injured while practicing or performing for the school district. If the parents have insurance to take care of it then great, if they don’t then the school insurance should step in to take care it. As a whole when you look at whole school year with all the sports that are played there is a small percentage of kids that will need to be taken care of, so just do the right thing an take care of them. Believe me, from the city government all the way to the federal government they all waste plenty enough of the taxpayers money that could cover kids that need covered when they get injured.
  6. Some schools in Texas probably wouldn’t be able to field a team if that’s the case. We’re talking about student athletes that aren’t getting paid to perform and represent their schools. They put in hours of work to perfect their skill in whatever sport their in an are getting coached by paid coaches. We’re talking about covering their expenses in case of a injury while performing or practicing on school property not covering injury expenses of a illegal alien. Good Grief!
  7. Control the line of, not if. Fixed it. Lol Only problem is trying to bring down their running back. He’s speedy and hard to bring down.
  8. Lumberton will control the line of scrimmage offensively and defensively. Lumberton has the size and speed. Lumberton wins.
  9. Henry Kissinger Janet Reno Harriet Miers Joshua Bolton Eric Holder Lois Lerner Bryan Pagliano Bill Barr Chad Wolf All held in contempt of Congress None served a day. Can you answer Why Big Girl?
  10. Eric Holder and Lois Lerner never received any Prison time for their contempt of Congress. Why not? Be specific. When Eric Holder and Lois Lerner defy Congressional subpoenas, the DOJ does nothing. But the DOJ goes after Republicans with indictments and prison. Still waiting?………
  11. Verifiable injuries to student athletes while performing for the school should be taken care of by the school imo. Wether the parents have insurance or not should be irrelevant. I don’t know how that becomes a corruptible issue, it’s a pretty cut and dry issue.
  12. I noticed the time clock was out tonight. I guess the ref was keeping track of the time clock.
  13. Yeah , we seem to be losing a lot players. Underclassman stepping up.
  14. Hard fought game. Way to grind it out Pirates. On to the next game.
  15. 1st Half finished in 45 minutes. This game will be done quick!
  16. This isn’t a right or left issue, it’s a student athlete issue.
  17. Eric Holder and Lois Lerner never received any Prison time for their contempt of Congress. Why not? Be specific. When Eric Holder and Lois Lerner defy Congressional subpoenas, the DOJ does nothing. But the DOJ goes after Republicans with indictments and prison.
  18. How to fix our Corrupt Voting System. 1) clean the dirt off the voter rolls 2) Stop early voting 3) Go back to paper 4) Stop mailing ballots 5) Eliminate dropboxs 6) Make trafficking a felony with min ten year sentence. 7) Stop ALL trade with foreign governments caught with their hands in our elections, Foreign actors convicted get hung.
  19. No, it’s more of supplemental type insurance.
  20. I thought that was Russian disinformation.Lol. Everyone laughed at Rudy Giuliani when he presented to the mainstream media. They ain’t laughing now are they? Crickets from the Democrat Media.
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