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Everything posted by Unwoke

  1. Or… he could change it to TrumpHater also. Lol
  2. Is Santa Fe still 5a? Never mind.
  3. I had a Fortune Cookie once tell me not to take a Laxative and a Sleeping Pill at the same time, an to this day I have taken that advice.😁
  4. Surely this is a satirical post. Are you serious?😂
  5. Let’s remember this was just one game. The first game of the season. I don’t have blinders on. I see it for what it is an who they are. Does anyone really think Vidor going to a spread offense that just about every team in the state of Texas runs an defends would do better? I think not. Ran correctly with the right personnel this offense can be effective but you have to have a decent defense to go with it. Vidors defense has always been pretty decent over the years but last night was not typical Pirate Defense. I’ll say it again. Silsbee is a Solid team that will go deep in the playoffs imo. Let’s see how they respond next week. I truly haven’t heard any solutions except maybe some tweaking on player movement other than that all I’ve heard is I am sick of being mediocre and we have the talent…we’ll then tell us what you’d do with that talent?
  6. The Band had a solid performance at Halftime 😁
  7. Effort and Execution is fixable, hopefully they can make the adjustments necessary to compete. Silsbee has multiple D1 players on that team. You sprinkle in multiple D1 players on Vidors team an we’re probably not having this discussion.
  8. Valid point, an maybe the coaches will see that. Maybe after last night they’ll be changes. But you have to remember that was his first start at QB since Junior High an it was against a team that I believe will go deep in the playoffs.
  9. You make some valid points but I disagree with you on the bulking up. My son plays on the Freshman team. He tells me what they do for conditioning at School, an it’s workouts that help put on bulk. A lot of the kids take creatinine in moderation to help bulk up. He’s put almost 30 lbs on his frame since last year at this time with most of it being muscle. Of course he’s at that age of growing but he works his tail off to get bigger,stronger and faster. Whatever he doesn’t feel like he gets at school he goes to our 24 hr fitness gym we belong to an puts in extra work. There’s always other kids up there putting in the extra work from freshman to JV to Varsity football players. So I disagree on the conditioning part. At the end of the day I think the coaches are trying to do the best with what they got. I definitely don’t have all the answers that’s why I am not a coach. Improvement can be made on tackling, taking proper angles to make the tackles, blockers staying on their blocks till the sound of the whistle and being disciplined on false starts. Other than that they just have to learn from last night and keep working hard. I know it’s hard to watch sometimes.
  10. I am just curious as to when they’re going to have the Mortgage Loan Forgiveness Act.😁
  11. Just For discussion sake…what would you do differently with the kids you saw playing last night? Different offense? Different Defensive Scheme? The floor is yours.
  12. Great Coach, he’ll do well where ever he coaches. PNG School Board be careful what you ask for.
  13. Silsbee has a heck of a ball club but your right Vidor looked soft and slow against them.
  14. Don’t think I was talking to you Spanky. Act like you’ve won before, no need to act like a Arse. Take your little win an move on.
  15. Did you predict last year’s score? Nobody’s hating, what ever that’s suppose to mean.
  16. Yeah….an if y’all would have lost we wouldn’t have heard Jack from you. Did you predict last year’s score as well?
  17. We’ll Silsbee is a State ranked team so they are a formidable opponent. Now if Vidor looks like this next week against Santa Fe then it may be a long season.
  18. No doubt about it. Not taking away from Silsbee because they have a good team an some next level athlete’s but this doesn’t look like Pirate Football.
  19. The execution on offense and our tackling is SLOPPY. Lots an lots an lots of penalties on Vidor. Never seen such a lack of effort on the Pirates.
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