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Everything posted by Unwoke

  1. Ohā€¦Good Lawd! I knew that someone was gonna post that before the game started! The Pirates season has officially begun! Lol Go Pirates!šŸ“ā€ā˜ ļø
  2. Pass by there today. Looks like theyā€™re putting the finishing touches on it and buttoning it up. So I would say yes.
  3. Just Freaking Ridiculous!! Why even say your going to release it if it tells everyone nothing!! Just have to create that suspicion that there is something there but thereā€™s not. Just like all the other hoaxes theyā€™ve pulled. It was a raid about nothing! Watch an see. Feel like I am watching Ground Hog Day! Smh
  4. It was a raid about nothing. You can indict a ham sandwich. Has nothing to do about loyalty, has everything to do with not being so blind as to what the Democrats are try do an have done the last 6 years an you keep falling for it. šŸ˜‚
  5. You probably donā€™t even know what a affidavit is. Lol We saw this coming, nothing but redactions. There to embarrassed to show why they raided Trumps home.
  6. Weā€™ll done Joey Ciccio! Way to Coach them Coach Matthews!šŸ“ā€ā˜ ļø [Hidden Content]
  7. I know we rarely agree on anything Bullets13 but I admire your sound financial decisions in getting your college degree. Weā€™ll Done! You should be proud of yourself.
  8. Again you must be referring to when State Governors shut businesses down due to the plandemic, an taking away peoples ability to make a living. Whatā€™s there to be outraged about? You take away someoneā€™s ability to make a living an expect them to pull money out of there rear to pay bills. He paused it with no accrued interest. Thatā€™s was the right thing to do in that situation imo. He didnā€™t eliminate the debt he paused it. There were many mortgage companies, car lenders, and other businesses that gave extensions on paying them to help people out.
  9. Biden has no legislative authority to forgive student loans. This is all to help democrats in the mid terms because this regime has sucked badly in doing whatā€™s good for this country. Theyā€™re are Just trying to pick up more low information voters.
  10. Your comparing ppp loans to help people keep their businesses a float because most state governors took away their ability to make a living by shutting their businesses down to Student Forgiveness Loans? šŸ˜‚ Thatā€™s not even in the same ballpark of comparisons. I personally just about lost my business that Iā€™ve had for 15 years during all that nonsense of shutting the economy down. I received a PPP loan during that time but once I found out I was eligible for unemployment for a short period time I returned every penny of that loan. Iā€™ve worked 2 jobs for the past 2 years to help make up for the business I lost during that stupid shutdown of the economy! I am about 70% back to normal with my business. Hopefully within the next year I can go back to working one job. So keep talking out your rear if you want too.
  11. Thatā€™s where your wrong. Itā€™s the people that worked hard to pay off there loans without a handout that arenā€™t that happy. I being one of them. If you canā€™t see that then your a lost.
  12. According to U.S Small Business Administration (SBA) data, about 94% of PPP loans that were approved in 2020 had been forgiven as of December 2021. So whatā€™s your point? Are you saying 94% of the PPP loans that were forgiven were all Republicans? Lol News Flash: I am not a worship the Republican Party person, itā€™s just that the Republican Party lines up with more of what I believe as a Independent Conservative and the Democrat Party is not even on the same planet of what I believe. Honestly I donā€™t care for 96% of the Republican Party because I believe the Democrats and Republicans have become Uniparty ( Government Party). Nice try though. Lol
  13. I never needed to get a school loan. I used my GI Bill from being in the military an worked to pay the rest of school. Your answer is you take what they give youā€¦gotta it. Donā€™t think thatā€™s a sound financial decision but to each his own.
  14. Educate me by answering the below question. So your telling me you blindly sign an agreement not knowing the terms of that agreement?
  15. So your telling me you blindly sign an agreement not knowing the terms of that agreement?
  16. Apparently she didnā€™t either. All lenders are required to disclose interest rates of loans wether they be a fixed rate or Variable rate along with all terms.
  17. All you have to do is ask what the interest rate is before you take out the loan. At that point you should be able to figure out the amount of interest you would pay on the life of the loan. If itā€™s not to your liking then you go to another lender. If you have horrible or no credit with very little assets then your going to pay a high interest because your considered high risk on defaulting on the loan.
  18. Canceling student debt is a tax on the most responsible people in the country. Forcing people who worked hard to repay their loans or those who didn't have the luxury of going to college, to subsidize people who wasted $$$ on worthless gender study degrees is a slap in the face.
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