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Separation Scientist

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Everything posted by Separation Scientist

  1. Spot on. None of the eternal BH haters here have a clue whats going to actually happen in the years to come. Their hate blinds them so much they just fantasize and wish the worst for BH every year. BH may / may not go 6A next time around. Cutoffs rise every year. BH may / may not be with NS etc. Districts are modified every year. NS, etc. may / may not go to a 7A in 2 or 4 years. 6A may / may not have three divisions in the future. If their worst wishes DON"T come through for BH, they will really come unhinged. Too much racial hate inside of them. Crazy thing is, BH football is more diverse than a handful of others in the area. Our team was way more diverse that Lufkin, PAM, BU, etc.
  2. 100% false narrative. No one said that. EVER.
  3. BH posters NEVER bring up the race baiting. Ever. If you or any number of people don't like any BHISD (not football specific) policy, feel free to attend the school board meetings or contact the Ad-Min. Otherwise sthu. Note YOU are in a BH thread, not the other way around. I never criticize Baytown, I just wish them all the best. Why can't we all support one another in SETX instead of living vicarously and making racist threats through others against the BH football program? Quit airing your racist attacks against BH. Its old, and its against the rules here.
  4. Well, that would be a first for all! LOL I would imagine Poole is very competative and its hard to imagine that the competitivness does not drive him to reach the highest results possible. Of course it can go too far and cause an unintended result. Lets give him and BH a chance to get the replacement secured, and then go from there. Otherwise lets give him some credit on the outstanding academic achievements BH is known for. Its not an accident. THAT is what ultimately matters the most. Life >>> Football.
  5. Its really enough of all the racial slurs against BH. This sorry, stupid thing is OLD. Why are they still allowed here? When is enough, enough?
  6. It was the outside activist that took it. BH defended itself against the stupid racist attack, and BH won convincingly. Sorry your head is so full of race! Ours are not.
  7. I didn't know the eastside folks are so racist, and I make occasional NS and CEK games. If thats really the truth, then THEY have bigger problems and anything BH has. Racism is ugly.
  8. Its 24/7, for some. Others, I agree.
  9. Free at last, free at last, thank God almighty, free at last!
  10. Feel free to not apply.
  11. Me too. He did. I already miss Abseck. He was not perfect by any means (who is?) but he definitely had it going the right direction. Had he had anywhere near a full team not decimated by injuries he would likely gone farther than he did. Still beat TW's record though. BH never missed the playoffs. Abseck will find a great landing spot, he should be one of the most desirable candidates available statewide. Meanwhile, the BH Admin needs to make a great hire soon. If it does not go well it will glare back at them. Big time.
  12. No, I was not referring to any of the prospective coaches, I was pointing to the posters here routinely critical of all thing BH.
  13. They must read SETXSports, LOL.
  14. I think the standard is pretty high, so the candidates would be the kind that can pick and choose. This is not a job for just any random candidate. Therefore, it is perfectly reasonable a few would decline, since they are are already likely in a great place. Like I said earlier, I know any decline would be percieved as a jab at BH, of course. I don't think there is one perfect candidate. There are probably 50+ HS coaches in TX that could do an outstanding job at BH. Whoever it is, rest assured the choice will be immeadately and roundly critiqued.
  15. Its pretty cool seeing BH being discussed with the likes of Lake Travis, Westlake, SLC, etc. but I don't agree with the comparisons. I don't understand the red/blue political angle of it, nor the landscape thing (of course Cen-Tex has a different landscape than SE TX). BH is not full of limosine liberals like the Austin area is. Mont Belvieu is full of blue collar, 12hr. shift working families. As much as I like Abseck, he and Cedar Park have little to do with BH's path forward at this point, so I don't see the point of CP comparisons, either.
  16. THIS. Its funny how some ISD's are a wreck, finacially and acedemically even to the point of being forced into state conservatorship, but BHISD is the open target here. If BH walked on water some posters here would claim "BH failed at swimming".
  17. Thank you. Its incredible to read any positive commentary about BH on SETXSports. BH is, after all the mosted hated and critiqued school/program/team in SETXSports history. So much of it is so stupid and wrong, but whatever, its just outsiders making noise. What everyone misses is that while everyone really wants BH football to excel like Baseball and Softball has, football is not the tail that wags the dog in Mont Belvieu. Like I said a few weeks ago, even if someone somehow removed all sports from the school, BHISD and Mont Belvieu will continue to grow just because people seek great academics and a great community to raise families in. Our all aound sucessful athletics program is more icing on the cake. Like someone else just said, things tend to "work out beautifully" in the end for BH, and I doubt that will change now. I'll wait and see with an open mind who the eventual hire is, and I will support him. I like having an open and fair mind. Challenges are ahead, no doubt, but BH has resources and tools to work with. I will really miss Carl Abseck. I wish none of this had happened. I think he is a great coach and man. God Speed coach, I wish you the best.
  18. Those three have a compelling reason to NOT leave where they are already at. All already have really nice gigs. Yeah, I know that many will want to "see" their recusals as a jab at BH, but I don't think they would be interested in leaving their current positions for anyone. Just my 2 cents.
  19. Yes they do! Basketball is doing fine and Baseball could be Top 5. Softball is gonna rock.
  20. Yep. I never have to worry about BH, because all the detractors outsiders worry enough about BH as is. Sometimes 24/7, LOL.
  21. I just find it odd how many people want to make statements about BH when there is plenty of room in their own programs for improvements. Note I never critique Silsbee at all. Our boys are athletic enough. We recently beat a Top 5 FBM, beat a top 10 G-Ball this year, also Forney and PAM lately. You don't do that without some athleticism. Thanks for your concern but we will roll with our boys just fine.
  22. TW would not have gone 14-1, 16-0 and 14-1 at Allen had he stayed.
  23. That remains to be seen. Has Silsbee won State lately?
  24. I seriously doubt they thought it was a "dream job". TW wanted a paycheck, and he saw his Allen team was about to decline so he got out of there. Later, he did not leave BH on his own. Regardless what any outsiders think, this job will attract many great candidates. I am excited to see what happens.
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