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Everything posted by powerlifter

  1. lost the ball at the 5 yard line
  2. i come out from hidding
  3. peace be with you see my picture hi thre
  4. as Dan Ray Hook took his mustangs to the playing field two hrs befor game time had them huddled around him he look and ask them what do you see,wow the look on there faces they ask what do you mean coach,his reply what do you see his reply(no tomorrow for you dreams will be broken) . come out on fire play mustang football for 4Qt play lights out chain gang defence true story
  5. your a pal thank God Bless
  6. thanks Buddy now i know who are my true friends God bless buddy come on now let the funin start
  7. 😣looking at wo-s300 pound stampeed defence the cougers took them for 43 yards lots of t off kids
  8. heart att all Most lost me buddy GOD bless
  9. its scary ,last week a saw a very very hungry football team.wo-s has so meny wepons that can fly there new stampeed defence all on the ball i wish jasper luck
  10. lmao he is there middle linebacker broke his ankle the first game he is back all 6ft4 235 of him
  11. i do think he has been around the block
  12. you will see there JV by 3rd and its good to see there 6ft 4 LB brack from his broken ankle hopeing to have there all dist track team wr back in a week are two .the bridge city coach layed it all on the line on kogt sports
  13. we can take a new vote mine are theresdont like to hurt your feelings but stampeed looks a tich better than steel link
  14. the reason the vote was given that name gose along horses mustangs so thats the way the vote went sorry
  15. the new name given to wo-s defence is the stamped ,and will not give bc 17 points thire a wild bunchand love to hit
  16. word on the street one wo-s playoffs games will be played in west orange MAXPREP
  17. got that off a fans post not from me for a change
  18. lots of points put up so far #1 343 point there defence is not all that bad123 points given up. people matched the 5 top in the polls matching them with carthage gilmer cilina wo-s this is what they came up with
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