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Everything posted by powerlifter

  1. stop trying to find out who i am πŸ‘»πŸ‘»
  2. if they use the old smelly playbook mustangs35-14
  3. come to think of it 4 times when we won state
  4. 3 are 4😁😁 hooks liked to do things like that keeping the news people away oh i better put one moreπŸ˜„
  5. oh Mr Gunho you are so far away but you are getting closer who is the weatherman you speak of not only you but others do also
  6. hamburgers Hike i will my pc is action up again
  7. some people from west orange stark have the pictures someone way back put it up believe its some ware around navy park
  8. not much to tell it all started 35 years ago having lunch with a legen to be
  9. will do R - go and see if you have room in the truck i might need a ride to Dallas when times comes
  10. my wife says hello to u all and thanks for the prayers
  11. well go up around Carthage and Gilmer oh no please they know Nathen about southeast Texas football how did you know they were coaches they were waiting for George jones bus. ps i love you guys
  12. i was also what to him happened to that fat cat
  13. played at Katy finished Katy went on to souther cal played and coached there moved to Carthage coached the jv one season went back to Katy end of story.
  14. you tell them smashMouth oh thanks for being on my team your the few the proud the best if you cant smile go back to to do what your wife said to do on your honey dose
  15. hummmmmmmmm he should not be asking he is a coach
  16. please Thompson will not play JV players because they look good these are the younger bunch of kids and coached by JV coaches only here at west orange stark and they do have a bunch of fans count me in as one love to watch them.
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