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Everything posted by powerlifter

  1. over the years how can they keep putting winning teams on the field year after year could it be coaches likes maybe Texas hall of famers in the likes hooks and soon another one for sure, the team history has had only had three coaches in the 35 year history and there jv is the real deal if you have time call a few they will be glad to tell you .
  2. west orange stark takes pride in there jvs team over the years you can see what they bring to the varsity year after year. wo-s has some of the best jv coaches around and lord it shows.so far this year coach Thompson has had to use a lot to fill in on his varsity for kids that are hurt, they will be ready if needed when playoff come around. If you every come to orange there is a football field some fan made only for mustangs to be he call it mustang history starts here
  3. wo-s must burn time on the clock
  4. history being be made in orange field ,Texas
  5. on facebook saw the new poster new dist champs orangefield
  6. need a update to send over seas
  7. how is the field is wo-s running the ball
  8. dose the field look ok
  9. ............,,,,,,,,,, i am getting better
  10. very very well put in my book you got class wish more had just a tic at what you have. its such a shame some people run down the school system at west orange stark makes me sick to see this happing kids from other schools laff at how small there band is and and how poor the kids are over there at west orange stark are cant afford cars if the truth is known after school there kids have jobs to help there mom and dads out with bill i for one would love to have there families over for supper are dinner anytime and go to worship with the if invited as for there education at west orange stark no complaints.
  11. calling all speed readers lol sorry i spent good money on Grammarly don't work cant get my money back looking 4 a good free one
  12. just asking dose Katy high school broadcast there own games
  13. talk is about more add ones to the already lovely campus at west orange stark starting to look more and more like a small collage campus and more to come. the city of west orange is annexing more and more and the plant will start up 2022 bring lots of work back into orange the school is looking for more parking looks like they found it now for the skill center going to get larger and better the nursing skill center some skilled teachers to teach the kids witch the parents should love. now the new press box is going to be a double decker with a elevator large lounge for press and coaches on the first floor will be the wo-s prep room two sides one side for mustangs coaches and side b the other coaches side this is a up to date dream press box so they say the very the upper level will be for the wo-s press to send links back to the war room at halftime to show the kids what has happened . now as for the scoreboard talk has it brick will be on both sides to protect it from big storms
  14. got me on that one mr buddy
  15. well heck going with west orange lol lol lol
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