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  1. Never seen that he tore his ligament. Makes sense now, sorry. I seen him suited out and remember how good a player he is.
  2. Obvious blown PN-G coaches discision not to have someone back to not field a punt late in regulation. A solid answer to the secondary's problem is on the bench watching the game. #11 is one of the best atheletes on the team. Why he is not playing defense is crazy. Coach needs to realize he is not at Odessa and needs to have his talent playing and not watching from the sidelines.
  3. [quote name="liltex" post="684929" timestamp="1256394306"] Impressive Win-Congrads to the Indians.Should move up again in the polls.Coaching has been magnificent but you have to have some talent as coaches don't play the game.This is a great tradition as the transition has arrived right on time. [/quote] I have said in past we always have had talented kids. Just have to put them in the right situation and play to their strengths. Faircloth has given the Indians this ability.
  4. If you have seen the PNG freshman team play you know the tide will turn in Neds favor in a couple of years.
  5. Texas City will be a great test for the Indian defense. With L-Town and Vidor tough running teams it will be good to see our defense line up to stop the run. The defense has only practiced and played against the spread.
  6. PN-G offensively looks great, but I did see holes in the defense. A team like Vidor with their running attack could keep the ball most of the game...
  7. No I did not get his name but I would like to know.
  8. I watched the 7 on 7 games yesterday at the reservation and the best show was the West Brook kid who threw the ball from the 50 yard line 8 yards deep into the end zone. He then backed up to the 35 and threw the ball 5 yards into the end zone. He then tried from the 30 and threw two ducks which one landed at the 15 and the other on the 10 yard line. I would love to see this kid throw a baseball.
  9. Thursday May 7th PN-G will scrimmage LC-M, May 14th scrimmage #2, May 16th scrimmage #3, and May 20th scrimmage #4. Purple/White game May 22nd with JV @ 6:00 and Varsity @ 7:30.
  10. I love the fact that people north of the Golden Triangle believe they are in clean air. We have mostly a southern wind flow which means all Port Neches bad air moves North.
  11. From viewing the Odessa game films the QB will have to be a good runner. The zone read uses the QB as a runner. With this I would say Matt Desmond is the best choice.
  12. Coach Faircloth gave a good speech to the players today. He had them do the push-ups like the Permian team did in the video. Players were excited by his description of the new offensive style.
  13. Matt is a very good defensive coach, all he needed was an OC and he would have had much more success. His stuborness to go with the Old Bread and Butter was his downfall. No inovation what so ever. PN-G has not been good at exposing weakness on opponents defense in the last eight years.
  14. I can not believe people still do not get the Masters requirement. There are a lot of teachers, administrators, and general public whom do not appreciate sports like most writing on this board. The Masters requirement places the Coach in Administration along with Principals and Vice Principles. These positions make quite a bit more money then teachers. This helps the school board justify to these non sport loving people the large dollar amount they will be paying the new Coach. He will not be just a Coach he is in Administration.
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