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Everything posted by triskiadeka

  1. Keep voting!!! lets hit 100 today
  2. The pictures would not come up...does one have to be a member of this linked site ?
  3. COme on, lets get to 100 voters!!!!
  4. Log on to the Kville and muleshoe pole, and vote for your score!!!
  5. COme on, I know more of you can vote...do we need another option ?
  6. THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT!!! Keep the stats a comming!!!! Winners will recieve a good feeling at halftime....knowing that they were right!!! GO KATS!!!!
  7. Awesome for Day 1...lets keep the stats comming in. Winners will recieve a brand new ..... (state champion)!! GO KATS!!!!
  8. Hey, what do you think about the game this week between the CATS and the MULES!!! LET US KNOW POLES will be talked about at PRE-GAME and MID-GAME of the KVILLE Broadcast on www.SETXsports.com
  9. OMG, LEfty99...I read every single one of the blogs...Dang I am thrilled that as many people listen and enjoy our broadcasts! To all of you out there, I could not do my calling without Lefty99...He is the brains behind the knowledge. Lefty99 and I have some great stuff planned for Saturday, so please tune in....even if you are at the game, somehow get the connection...you will not want to miss it!! We appreciate your support, and remeber just as you are listening to the game, we are trying to keep it exciting, cause ...anyway...thank you all of you, and if you are in the area...Go on down to Jenny's, and get u some....I will be there on Thursday for some Burgers....great special on thursday!!!
  10. : Friday Night 6pm, kville returns opening kickoff return to the 42, and this will be the start of the lucky number 42!..we have had 52, 48, now 42! I will not say whether the 42 is total points, win by or just plane a bunch a numbers on the board at the end of the game that sum to 42, but 42 is the number of this game....or maybe it is the 42 Defensive scheme, or maybe the 42 players from Kville that are going to the game, or maybe the number of minutes it takes me to drive to Lufkin from Jasper, but 42! Listen to the game!!! 6pm
  11. Hey, I know that TIM COUCH kinda blew it in the pos...but he did have some decent seasons...but in HIgh school he threw for over 12,000 yards in high school (in Kentucky)...just a thought from the mid-90's. Props on the Cedric B.., never saw him though. Trisk
  12. Hey GriZZ62, thank you for the scores and quick stats!!! SCores are misleading, but I am hoping for a good game....I am very glad that Lefty99 is on top of the knowledge tree.
  13. HEy what is the school LEfty, the sound quality is ok, but not as good as the Kirbyville game....I was told they were the using the equipment from Newton...I was listening to the Newton Broadcast, and it sounds pretty good also, I was waiting for the commercial spots. The guy doing the play by play at the Arp Jeff game sound a little like the Kirbyville play by play guy, are they the same guy ? Gracias
  14. : I would say they are beatable , just as any team is on any given Friday Night. Right Now Kirbyville is playing all round ball, they are able to spread it around to many different talents. For Example , Broderick Jackson bears the load, and this past week, he was saved for this coming week...Barry Burley stepped up, Musgrove took off a few plays, and Jamichael Ervine added a few extra touches. Lefrederick Ford is a very capable 2nd half back to keep the ball on any drive. Hazelwood has been very good about throwing...although he had a few throws last week against Hemphill that could/ve (should/ve been picked)...Defensively, the wildcats do not give up....this tenacity carried over from the Jasper game, to get that ball back is great for any team. I see the Newton game as the District Championship of course, but most likely both teams will advance, unless something terrible happens like what happened in Silsbee...anyway GIT RIDDY 4 FRIDAY!!
  15. When will get to listen to the Archive of the Kirbyville, and other games from the past few weeks...if there is anything I can do to help, let me know...other than stop asking. I listed to a few of them last week live, they sounded great!! Since I am at a game every Friday, it was a first Live session for me, but I would like to hear some of the others. thank you
  16. I would have to say BRo...dericK..Jack...son
  17. Let us just remember, Broderick didn't block anyone in the back...he still ran very well. Does anyone know if the game vs West O, be online this week ?
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