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Everything posted by smitty

  1. I thought the rules were that you had to meet a certain delegate count to win outright. Educate us if it's not.
  2. Nappy -- I ask you to educate us where the articles are wrong and you run. Like, still waiting on where the hillary tax article is wrong.
  3. Again -- this is all about money and control! Again, keep your head buried at your on risk! [Hidden Content]
  4. NAPPY -- WHERE YOU AT???? It's been since Friday that I ask you to educate this forum on what was false in the article! Educate us!!
  5. Just wondering out loud: Do you think at the so called, "Youth Empowerment Program" that the community agitator once told them the most important thing is to get a job?? Or -- Did he tell them "Ask not what you can do for your country, but what can your country do for you?"
  6. [Hidden Content]
  7. This is the type of stuff you get when you elect community agitators! [Hidden Content]
  8. Cruz just won 14 more delegates in Wyoming.
  9. Getting closer all the time! [Hidden Content]
  10. Unsustainable! [Hidden Content]
  11. OK, nappy, l'll bite, what part of this is wrong?
  12. If some are offended by the truth, then so be it!
  13. Spsent my money AND had a good time in North Carolina!
  14. We'll be in North Carolina Wednesday spending money!
  15. In Switzerland! Again -- why are they there in the first place? They have nothing in common with the Swiss. And with this, it's apparent -- again, that are not there to assimilate!! [Hidden Content]
  16. [Hidden Content]
  17. List them here under this topic. I'll start... [Hidden Content]
  18. obama stated just the opposite would happen.. Hey nappy -- what say you??
  19. Bad or good one? [Hidden Content]
  20. Cruz landslide last night in Wisconsin!
  21. So, this is a lie? What's reported is not true? Or -- are you mad because it was exposed?
  22. smitty


  23. More from the "not ready for prime time" players. What a joke this regime is... [Hidden Content]
  24. But -- does he really care?? [Hidden Content]
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