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Everything posted by smitty

  1. MORE liberal hypocrisy! [Hidden Content]
  2. It's interesting that obama's DOJ took "2" days to get involved in Ferguson and Baltimore. But -- it was a year before anything was done involving this in Chicago. Hummmm -- trying to protect the re-election of one of obama's devils?
  3. Hypocrisy at its finest. [Hidden Content]
  4. This is the way that TRUE believers in their country act! [Hidden Content]
  5. One knows when the Un-American snake -- soros -- is involved then one knows it's NOT good for America! [Hidden Content]
  6. [Hidden Content]
  7. Remember, with obama -- global warming is our enemy, not psychotic islamic murderers!
  8. [Hidden Content]
  9. muslims have nothing in common with Belgium. So -- again -- why are they there? [Hidden Content]
  10. [Hidden Content]
  11. [Hidden Content]
  12. Global Cooling? Maybe the fear mongers had their scare tactics right in the 70's and didn't even realize it. But it really wasn't about the truth, right? [Hidden Content]
  14. From the article: "Black liberation activists, revolutionary communists, and the Nation of Islam plan to target stores for demonstration nationwide on Black Friday." I wonder who is actually funding these thugs? This is what is needed to be exposed! [Hidden Content]
  15. Happy Thanksgiving, everyone!
  16. He would soon continue to have poeple killed instead of doing the right thing... Sad!! [Hidden Content]
  17. Oh, yeah, this Superintendent should be fired and a hefty lawsuit should be layed on the school district. From the article: "Revere Superintendent Dianne Kelly says the district believes in freedom of speech, but cannot support what she calls insensitive language. "If you're going to stand up and say something that other people will find offensive - than you need to be prepare to deal with the ramifications of that," Kelly said." The Constitution PROTECTS offensive speech. You notice there's a BUT behind the "district believes in freedom of speech." Doesn't appear that they actually do. But -- was this offensive speech to begin with? It appears that this Superintendent doesn't understand the Constitution. Maybe firing her will wake her and the school district up... [Hidden Content]
  18. In Iowa: Trump 25% Cruz 23% I've told you to keep an eye on Cruz. He has a ground game that's working... [Hidden Content]
  19. Help us out, obama supporters. Why would he do this? [Hidden Content]
  20. This is totally wrong! And people wonder why Trump is the talk of the town... [Hidden Content]
  21. But, I bet if there were Confederate flags being waved in the south he would have plenty to say! [Hidden Content]
  22. Voters shifting towards Cruz... [Hidden Content]
  23. She's done this before. Pandering to the "Low Information Voter!" [Hidden Content]
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