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Everything posted by smitty

  1. Just a re-play from above: PS - Since you haven't provided an answer to what you, and others, presume as problems at Nederland ISD, then give us your solutions. A pro-bond board member stated that they were going to use the bond money to pay for the budget. If this is the case, and I have no reason at this point to doubt it, there are going to have to be cuts. Just like in a family budget when things get tight. I brought the subject of athletics as to a place we might can start. Remember folks, these are only games. Education comes first. You don't start cutting first at the educational level. so really, I haven't heard of any pro-bonders solutions for the budget crisis. 36 yrs old and I have as much fun as anybody on these boards but that statement was ridiculous. I cant even go to one single topic where you arent trying to p.ss someone off about every single subject. It is obvious you use a thesaurus when you are writing your short stories. I usually quit reading them though because you say the same thing over and over again....... Go ahead and post back about kool-aid or whatever it is you ramble on about... Dont Worry
  2. Seriously,again,dude, if you can't understand my humor and it bothers you, when you see I've posted, don't read it. ;D ;D PS - Since you haven't provided an answer to what you, and others, presume as problems at Nederland ISD, then give us your solutions. A pro-bond board member stated that they were going to use the bond money to pay for the budget. If this is the case, and I have no reason at this point to doubt it, there are going to have to be cuts. Just like in a family budget when things get tight. I brought the subject of athletics as to a place we might can start. Remember folks, these are only games. Education comes first. You don't start cutting first at the educational level. so really, I haven't heard of any pro-bonders solutions for the budget crisis. 36 yrs old and I have as much fun as anybody on these boards but that statement was ridiculous. I cant even go to one single topic where you arent trying to p.ss someone off about every single subject. It is obvious you use a thesaurus when you are writing your short stories. I usually quit reading them though because you say the same thing over and over again....... Go ahead and post back about kool-aid or whatever it is you ramble on about...
  3. Seriously, dude, you first.
  4. First of all, you don't have a dog in this hunt. Second, that must be a pretty big bridge to hold 3,200 (79%) of us. Friend, 79% is a landslide of embarrasing proportions. The only ones that should take a look in the mirror are those that tried to cram this bad bond issue down Nederland's throat. If one doesn't learn from their mistakes, then they are surely to repeat them. And that's fine with us. Oh, by the way, I guess everyone knows that Nederland ISD opened for business Monday morning and continued with their excellent education. I know it shocks some of you, but Nederland will continue to do good without the bonds. And this is for you, PURPLE 4 Ever, PN-G would have also. "We won, you lost THE KIDS LOST! Get over it! Stop whining." Smitty, I know that in five years from now when the kids across the track are attending new schools you will be the first one to visit all the Bulldog students in the ancient elementary schools and tell them we can keep on patching the roofs and maintain our buildings and you don't need to attend a new school because I was a penny pincher and didn't want to pay for you to have a better education. Granted this bond would have done better if they would have taken out the athletic facility expenditures, but still. You are gloating over not wanting to invest in the children of your community! You must enjoy the company with all of the other ogres who live under the bridge.
  5. Ha! I like that. I heard they recovered the stolen sign. It was found being used as a classroom divider at the High School. See, CARE is already helping reduce our needs in the classrooms. Thanks
  6. Ah, still talking in cliches. No substance is what lost it for ya'll. I also noticed you didn't want to tackle the one about the pro-bonder stealing the sign. But I give you this, you are full of chiches. You let me know if you need a moving van for all those chiches. ;D PS - Or did you not know that Nederland is known for having campaign signs stolen?
  7. One funny post bond election story: Nederland has been known to have signs stolen during campaigns. Well, a local business individual had a large "Vote No" sign put up in his yard. He is on one of the main streets in Nederland. He had bets around town how long it would be before someone stole it. As the days went by, nothing. Until Saturday morning, the day of the election. Around 3:00 in the morning, guess what, his sign got stolen. A man got out with clippers and clipped whatever it was holding the sign to the stakes. And the most funny part, is that this individual is associated with the Nederland ISD. Let's see: trespassing, theft. Amazing. What? You want to know how this business owner knows when it happened and who it was? He had a camera rolling all the time. He has it all on film. The only question is what to do with this info. Ha! What a hoot.
  8. We won, you lost. Get over it! Stop whining. I told you 20,000 less than last year. Am I right about that smitty? smitty come on now, I think you need to find yourself a good woman to get your mind off of this topic. We all understand you know all the answers and we don't. You are aganist athletics, and the administration of nederland. We get it
  9. I agree. It's nothing more than a money thing to help out school districts. One team to the playoffs was not fair. But two was the right amount. More then that and it becomes a joke. Its BEEN watered down for a while IMO. Three was too many, much less four. It has given teams a false sense that they have built a program.
  10. Yes, just like I'm not going to convince you. But we were right this time and you was wrong. So, go over it. I guess that would be my point. Clear enough for you?
  11. Unless I'm reading a different doc, I've already seen a figure over $400,000. But that doesn't tell the whole story. I'm still looking. By the way, did see a maintenance budget of over $6,000,000?! I'll keep looking. I suggest the the pro-bonders keep seeking the truth also. ;D
  12. I bet you have more buddies on the bond commitee than I do on CARE. Which is zero for me. I believe I've already made that clear. ;D ;D I'll look over the site you have here. Without looking, though, I know the athletic budget is more than $155,000. : I told you 20,000 less than last year. Am I right about that smitty? O,K, so you don't know the answer and you are looking for accurate information, correct? All you need to know right here at your finger tips, and you didn't have to ask your buddies with CARE for the info. [Hidden Content]
  13. Aren't we all? I told you 20,000 less than last year. Am I right about that smitty? O,K, so you don't know the answer and you are looking for accurate information, correct?
  14. I'm looking for a total figure. I told you 20,000 less than last year. Am I right about that smitty?
  15. Looks like 3,200 people don't agree with you. Sorry.
  16. James, my friend, I don't see a figure.
  17. Listening to all this post bond analysis, I can tell the pro-bonders haven't learned from the massive defeat. They are still spouting the talking points. Talking points, I might add, that got this thing defeated. The superintendent didn't learn anything from it. The surviving board member didn't learn anything from it. Did you see his comments in the PA News? Appalling! So if it comes up again, does anyone really think the results will not be the same with these same arguments on the pro-bonder side? CARE only exposed the flaws in the bond issue. This was there right. But if you think CARE was lying 100% of the time, well, then, keep the same attitudes and bring the bond issue back. But you also insulted 3,200 of your fellow citizens by saying they fell for CARE's 100% lies. Gets a little ridiculous when you think about it. But as I've said before: Do you know the definition of insanity?!
  18. Is it "who cares" or is it "you don't know?" My point is: you probably don't know the answer. Any wonder this bond failed?!
  19. Does anyone know what the athletic budget for NISD is?
  20. You honestly think CARE got 3,200 people to vote wrong? Amazing! Let me set the record straight: I was never a part of CARE. I only know of one person involved in that organization. I learned the names from CARE from people in these discussions. I did all the studying myself. And realised this was a flawed piece of work. And after listening to some on this discussion board, I realised why it was flawed. So, my friend, you might want to look at the administration's inept attempt to try and pass a bond issue. Maybe, just maybe, THEY -- you -- were on the wrong side of the issue this time.
  21. I know a lot has been said about this subject. But I would like to thank everyone for getting involved here on this very important subject. It's been spirited, but it was fun. Again, thanks.
  22. Penny, I'll get back with you.
  23. Different economy, friend.
  24. It's amazing how all the pro-bonders want the topic closed. ;D ;D
  25. James, a good discussion is not always a bad argument. But, anyway, take care, my friend. When will all of you understand, smitty and all the CARE people have no answers. Give the newly elected board time to meet a few times and see what happens. Their leader will soon see the truth first hand. Give it time. It wasn't 20,000 smitty, but then again, I didn't expect you to give an actual true number. ;D Look smitty, I'm done with this topic, CARE has no answers to our school districts problems. The newly elected spokesperson for CARE will soon find out this and will bring you all over to see it our way. Our schools budget can not maintain the level of building integrity our kids deserve. The bond would have given our district the maintenance relief it needed, that is what was meant by Mr. Sandersons quote, “The bond was a crushing blow,” Sanderson said. “It puts us in a bind for the budget and I don’t know how we’re going to handle it.” If you can't see that now you never will, so that is why I'm done arguing this with you and the rest of your group.
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