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Everything posted by smitty

  1. How Ted wins... [Hidden Content]
  2. Just heard on the news that there are 11,000 jihadist in France. We'll see what they do about it...
  3. I knew Abbott would. Good job!
  4. [Hidden Content]
  5. "The further a society drifts from the truth, the more it will hate those that speak it." -- George Orwell
  6. A "man" speaks where a wimp won't... [Hidden Content]
  7. Is obama just stupid, doesn't have a clue, or just plain doesn't care?
  8. Again -- it may come down to Cruz and Rubio... [Hidden Content]
  9. Global warming leads to terrorism? LOL! From the mouth of an aging liberal hippy. But -- let's not deny the fact that there's very little space between this moron's beliefs and Shrillery's.
  10. bad ones or good ones? [Hidden Content]
  11. Attacks are (should be) an alarm bell for a LIBERAL, borderless Europe... PS -- One attacker was on the terrorist watch list. WHY WAS HE STILL IN EUROPE?????????? [Hidden Content]
  12. muslim rampage! [Hidden Content]
  13. Yes, they ARE muslim terrorist. They aren't Baptist, Mormons, Catholics, ect... Let's face it -- ignoring the problem is causing these problems...
  14. France closes border. A little to late for the "head in the sand crowd!" [Hidden Content]
  15. They are flooding in different places for a reason. If it's not dealt with by those people that put their heads in the sand, then it'll be too late.
  16. Muslim madmen! [Hidden Content]
  17. Peaceful, loving bunch at it again! [Hidden Content]
  18. Bad or good ones? [Hidden Content]
  19. Let Ann Coulter explain... [Hidden Content]
  20. There may be a good reason (our point of view) for this. The lame stream media is scared of him... [Hidden Content]
  21. Liberalism and lies... [Hidden Content]
  22. From the article: "Imagine getting robbed at gunpoint and calling the campus police only to hear this recording: “Sorry, but all our officers are currently responding to an emergency call about an unauthorized use of the word ‘Christmas’ at the student union — trauma counseling will be made available to anybody who witnessed the incident.”" Once stated as comical relief, in the world of obama, now has become possible! SMH! [Hidden Content]
  23. Like I've said before -- keep an eye on Ted! [Hidden Content]
  24. More on this POOR little black kid... [Hidden Content]
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