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Everything posted by smitty

  1. Why would you call a local business owner who actually employs people and pays taxes numbnuts? Just because he likes lower taxes? Or is there another reason?
  2. Thanks! ;D
  3. dawgnuts, it's not a difficult question. Others have answered. I guess when one stays confused it all appears to be thrash.
  4. I'm not.
  5. Excellent! Thanks... I am on the bond committee and have no affiliation with the district, no one in my family works for the district, and I provide no services to the district.
  6. You want to suppress my vote? What? Go on record and answer the question that's been posed if you are a pro-bonder. Problem is you can't vote for it smitty........
  7. Bru, I appreciate your truthful answer. This isn't a scare tactic. There is a point of diminishing/no/negative return on an investment. In my view, we are reaching/have reached that point with the service we've gotten from our facilities. Whether you plug the holes with a minimal "repair" focused bond that has proven to be unsuccessful in other similar situations, or you truly address the situation with new facilities... no matter, the ship is sinking or nothing would need to be done. It's all about how you right the ship. I have one opinion, you have another, but we woudn't be talking if the ship weren't sinking, and yes eventually it will join Davy Jones if the RIGHT thing isn't done... what is the right thing is what we are discussing. Agree? or should we agree to disagree??? I am not employed by nor do I provide services to the district... just looking to protect my investment in my home.
  8. You may be right. Everyone needs to vote, or they can't complain later. Complain now, one way or the other, vote, then let the process work itself out.
  9. It was not directed to you, per se. I just used yours. Yours had a small area; I didn't want it to big to take away from the important question. Not sure why you picked my post to ask this question but I have zero connection to the NISD school district other than I live in Nederland and my wife is a high school teacher there. So, if this was directed at me, why the question? I am very much in favor of the bond, I have some concerns like everyone does, but I am still 97% behind it and will vote for it. So why the question smitty?
  10. This is for all the pro-bonders: How about letting this board know what personal relation -- or members of your family -- you or they have, if any, to the NISD school district. Either being employed by or offer services to by you or any family members.
  11. Don't scare the people. It's not sinking. Think about what you are saying. When/if it fails, then you are saying we have a sunk school district. Wrong!
  12. No excuse to rip the taxpayer off. You don't build a new house because the roof leaks. You repair it and move on. Next! Well Smitty what do have to say about that?
  13. Stating facts is throwing rocks and slinging mud? You joking, right? Well, maybe to some, I guess, facts are a little like mud. In my statements, feel free to state which is slinging mud and throwing rocks. Your opinion, of course. I've stated what my solution is and the taxpayer doesn't get reamed. 1/4 of the make the needed repairs. But this doesn't keep up with the Jones'. But that philosophy is dangerous. PS - By the way, weren't you the one with the previous threat? Talk about mud slinging!
  14. I'm not issuing kool-aid, they are. Anyway, ask them what question? Something we already know? Strange. Anyway, so, you've agreed with everything I've said. Gulf Coast, LANWalton doing PN-G's bond, them doing Nederland's, yes these are all the facts that I've stated that you denied. I know the board members. Talked to them face to face before. Not a problem. But, what do you think they are going to say? Anyway, I can save a trip because I get their talking points from you. Thanks. But, on the other hand, you've been agreeable. So, I appreciate that to. Not sure about the "you might think about where your own taxes are going" statement. I know where they are going and where they shouldn't be going. Just trying to save your family a little money. Never seen such hostility towards such an idea. But, again, feel free to make extra tax payments. Have you done that before? Probably not.
  15. So, let's see -- you are denying that 78 pages of public document were charged around 375 dollars by the administration? Are you denying that the Texas Attorney General is now involved? Are you denying that Gulf Coast Electric did electrical upgrades to the power system in the late 90's? Are you denying that LANWalton will get a percentage of the total bond cost? So, what exactly are you denying? But, friend, everything I've said is true. I have a copy of the actual receipt of the charge ($376.23) for the public document. I also have a copy of the letter sent out by the school board president when the superintendent was ask specific questions. Again, why didn't she answer the questions? So, put down the kool-aid and do a little more fact-finding. Take a deep breath and relax. Because it appears your emotions are clouding your judgement. When/if this bond fails, Nederland will continue to be an excellent school district, contrary to what the doom and gloomers say. And your family will have more money in it's pocket. But, if it fails, feel free to figure out your share/cost of the bond and donate it. Probably not.
  16. I don't agree that we ever need a bond this large. So inflation or not is irrelevant. Yep. dawgnut is right. If someone wanted to go through it all, legal could ask SETXsports for smitty's IP address. Or any of our IP addresses for that matter if they thought we were libeling someone for instance. Just because you post anonymously, does not mean you are totally anonymous. [Hidden Content] Aw, Smitty. Tsk, tsk, tsk. Did you not read the link? Since you poted what you did, I guess you didn't even bother to skim the article. And you are the informed one? :D I was agreeing that what dawgnut said IS correct -- if someone wants to find out who you are, who I am, etc... they can. But of course you didn't read the link and just spouted off without anything to back up what you say. You never did get back to me on the rise of prices due to inflation several pages ago. I take then that you agree a bond will cost more for the taxpayers when the economy picks back up. And yet you still think they should wait... Amazing.
  17. Stay tuned. I'm sure there will be more! ;D ;D
  18. What you say makes sense. But, you must admit there are some that makes it sound as Nederland ISD is doomed if this is not passed. Life will go on when/if it fails. It's the typical scare tactics. Which NEVER works on me. I try to stay with the facts that are available at the time. If the info is wrong, then one has to change with the undated info. If this passes, we will be a hair under the state cap as for as tax rates. I'm ashamed we are even close to it. But if some keep chanting the mantra "do it for the kids," then the rose color glasses that they are looking through will never change hue. I could possibly support 1/4 of the issue and make the needed repairs. But, as of now, this is not an option.
  19. Did you read the previous post? I, like you, are one of the ones that is going to get soaked with these two massive tax increases. So, your second statement is wrong. So, you could be wrong in the support of this bond issue. It also sounds like you are wanting a new stadium just because PN-G's got one. Not a good way to set policy. Also, in your first statement, you pro-bonders act like money grows on trees. Again, no wonder obama was elected. People can be easily led. Hence, the kool-aid reference in many post.
  20. Ripping off the taxpayers equals educational progress? Who has been feeding you this false line of info. Washington, DC has the largest per student outlay and some of the worst performing school system. So, wrong again by the pro-bonders talking points. No wonder a socialist like obama got elected. Some people will believe anything. With this way of thinking, if this fails, then you are telling the parents, well we can't go on any longer as a viable school district. How absurd! By the way, since no one can figure it out, I do have a dog in the hunt. You think I would care about somebody else getting ripped off foolishly? If I was, I would be laughing at THEIR stupidity. So, now, lets' get back to facts. How many actually know that this is just round one of the tax increases? It was stated that this bond issue is just "Phase 1." Disagree? Agree? He won't answer [/q You've challenged many on this board and their motives and credability but you refuse to answer the one single question directed at you. It appears that you are just having fun with this and its sad that you continue to try to break down Nederland's educational progress when you don't even have a dog in the hunt.
  21. Absolutely! A new coach needs this time.
  22. Doesn't look like he's going to answer.
  23. More has been learned: This bond issue is only "Phase One!" 120 million dollars is not enough. Sometime in the near future they will come back and ask for more tax dollars. I don't hear this being talked about from the pro-bonders. I read Bledsoe's (district employee) propaganda piece in the PA News today. He didn't mention "Phase 2" either. Or anything that I previously mentioned. Well, I'm not sure if what I've said here is scandulous or libelist. Maybe some of the wanna-be lawyers here can advise. ;D ;D
  24. Come on guys/gals, you haven't figured it out yet? Geez! ??? He won't answer
  25. dawgnuts, I'll ask you again: Can you deny anything I've said that you've taken issue with? You've made quite a few statements, but you've still yet to deny what I've said is wrong. Or do you just like to play lawyer? ;D
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