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Everything posted by smitty

  1. Good thinking. If they refuse, then remember them during the next election. Folks, this is how it works. No open government, then you get rid of them.
  2. There are some on this board that are adamant that Stump will not go to PN-G.
  3. Still waiting on names that are AD's with no Masters. Just wondering if this might have something to do with PNG now wanting their new AD to have a master's? ( Keeping up with the Jones?) KDOSullivan, you amaze me! You must have a lot of free time to think these things up. PNG requiring a masters has nothing to do with Neumann having his masters. I believe more and more schools are now requiring it because the position has changed from just being a Head Coach to an AD as well. The AD is an administrative postition, thus, the candidate will be required to have his masters in order to meet the requirements. Of course, I feel you will spin this any way you wont, so probably no use in trying to explain it to you. PNG>>>>>>Honor.....Pride......Tradition......"Priceless" Just soooo defensive. :......This will stop, just release the names like the law requires....Then everything will go back to normal.....I am telling you, I think I am right about the master's. It is not a bad thing, just Nederland did it first. Like Warrior touched on, the AD position is ALOT more than drawing the X's and O's. The position is ADMINISTRATIVE, including responsibility for the athletic budget for ALL sports. Also, If I'm not mistaken, ALL the coaches in ALL of the sports offered at the HS level ultimately report to the AD. Not minor resposnibilities by any stretch. Even as competitive as PNG and Nederland are, I really can't believe that PNG is looking for a candidate with a masters degree because "Nederland did it first". I am telling you, it is because Nederland's AD has one. I am convinced of that fact. There are still plenty of ADs without master's. There are AD's without masters. It has always been a policy at PNG to have a masters.That is why now , we have co AD's. Barbara Comeaux (has a masters) and Matt Burnett (first PNG coach that did not have masters).This arrangement was put in place when Matt replaced Tim Owens. It has nothing to do with Nederland I can assure you of that. : There are plenty of schools out there that have AD's without a Master's
  4. I still don't think so. But, if you can name any permanent AD's without them, then I will concede. Don't you realise this is why Burnett didn't have the title? Just wondering if this might have something to do with PNG now wanting their new AD to have a master's? ( Keeping up with the Jones?) KDOSullivan, you amaze me! You must have a lot of free time to think these things up. PNG requiring a masters has nothing to do with Neumann having his masters. I believe more and more schools are now requiring it because the position has changed from just being a Head Coach to an AD as well. The AD is an administrative postition, thus, the candidate will be required to have his masters in order to meet the requirements. Of course, I feel you will spin this any way you wont, so probably no use in trying to explain it to you. PNG>>>>>>Honor.....Pride......Tradition......"Priceless" Just soooo defensive. :......This will stop, just release the names like the law requires....Then everything will go back to normal.....I am telling you, I think I am right about the master's. It is not a bad thing, just Nederland did it first. Like Warrior touched on, the AD position is ALOT more than drawing the X's and O's. The position is ADMINISTRATIVE, including responsibility for the athletic budget for ALL sports. Also, If I'm not mistaken, ALL the coaches in ALL of the sports offered at the HS level ultimately report to the AD. Not minor resposnibilities by any stretch. Even as competitive as PNG and Nederland are, I really can't believe that PNG is looking for a candidate with a masters degree because "Nederland did it first". I am telling you, it is because Nederland's AD has one. I am convinced of that fact. There are still plenty of ADs without master's. There are AD's without masters. It has always been a policy at PNG to have a masters.That is why now , we have co AD's. Barbara Comeaux (has a masters) and Matt Burnett (first PNG coach that did not have masters).This arrangement was put in place when Matt replaced Tim Owens. It has nothing to do with Nederland I can assure you of that. :
  5. AD's without Masters? I would have to strongly challenge that statement. Just wondering if this might have something to do with PNG now wanting their new AD to have a master's? ( Keeping up with the Jones?) KDOSullivan, you amaze me! You must have a lot of free time to think these things up. PNG requiring a masters has nothing to do with Neumann having his masters. I believe more and more schools are now requiring it because the position has changed from just being a Head Coach to an AD as well. The AD is an administrative postition, thus, the candidate will be required to have his masters in order to meet the requirements. Of course, I feel you will spin this any way you wont, so probably no use in trying to explain it to you. PNG>>>>>>Honor.....Pride......Tradition......"Priceless" Just soooo defensive. :......This will stop, just release the names like the law requires....Then everything will go back to normal.....I am telling you, I think I am right about the master's. It is not a bad thing, just Nederland did it first. Like Warrior touched on, the AD position is ALOT more than drawing the X's and O's. The position is ADMINISTRATIVE, including responsibility for the athletic budget for ALL sports. Also, If I'm not mistaken, ALL the coaches in ALL of the sports offered at the HS level ultimately report to the AD. Not minor resposnibilities by any stretch. Even as competitive as PNG and Nederland are, I really can't believe that PNG is looking for a candidate with a masters degree because "Nederland did it first". I am telling you, it is because Nederland's AD has one. I am convinced of that fact. There are still plenty of ADs without master's.
  6. If one wants anonymity then go into private business. The reason it's an open process is -- again! -- because taxpayers dollars are involved.
  7. Who is it they are fishing for? Any thoughts?
  8. Not as much as you think.
  9. No the same thing. Stay focused. Since the taxpayers are bailing out everyone in this economy, do I need to know Philpott's applicant list for their next General Manager or my local bank's president salary. Since the media is even asking for bailout funds, should we file an FOI to uncle larry at kfdm for his applicant list for his sports department.
  10. Trust me, it is the Jet.
  11. There IS a difference between private industry and public employees. When tax dollars are involved there is a different set of rules. That's why school boards make the final decisions. Because this way they are accountable to the taxpayers. I don't have a dog in this hunt either, but its not really about someone getting fired for looking, that doesn't happen too often. But your current employer and the kids and parents of your current program are all going to look at you differently knowing that you were looking. Businesses do NOT release the names of their applicants...heck the best people wouldn't APPLY if they did! These applicants are trying to improve their position in life, put yourself in their place...would you want your current employer to know you are looking for greener pastures???? Its all a moot point anyway, since schools are government entities and HAVE to release the info...doesn't mean I have to like it or its right though.
  12. The part about losing ones job, is a red herring by the school board.
  13. And what purpose was it intended for? I don't think the FOI had one specific purpose. Other than to keep public officials honest.
  14. OK, excellent. I didn't file for this one this time. Other people have though.
  15. Coop, you still have that FOI request going, right?
  16. I never needed a bus. My child never needed a bus. Park the buses and save some money. Where is it written in the heavens that students are guaranteed a bus ride? It may be a benefit but surely not a right.
  17. That's one way of looking at it, I guess. LOL! Of course they didn't want to release names. They are PNG Proud!
  18. Coop: Good job!
  19. Irregardless of the excuse, it's still the parents responsibility. Since when is it now the district's responsibility? Exactly at what point in time did the parent's lose the responsibility, and it moved to the school district? Then you have to come full circle and ask these parents: what else are you willing to give up to the school district. It's always easy to say "I don't have the time or care," but there are always consequences. Maybe they can or maybe they can't. Maybe they don't want to. Maybe they are at work. Either way, should the kid have to find a ride regardless of the reason a parent can't/won't pick them up?
  20. Why can't the parents care for the safety of their own children, if it saves the district money?
  21. If he'll do this, what else will he do? Where does one draw the line when saying it's just a mistake? Young men make mistakes! If true then this was not that bad of a mistake and I am sure he learned a valuable lesson. I would have been very dissapointed if it had been drugs or robbery like some of our other local talent that made it to Austin.
  22. Sounds like he's ready for the Cowboys.
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