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Everything posted by smitty

  1. But panic anyway! LOL!! [Hidden Content]
  2. Then check this out: the NY Times wanted people to write in with what they thought was the most ridiculous statements by the candidates at the Republican debate. The NY Times DID NOT ask for the same thing after the Dem debate...
  3. NOAA altering data to be PC?! [Hidden Content]
  4. [Hidden Content]
  5. Dang -- there goes Ted making sense again! [Hidden Content]
  6. Not sure what you are driving at here. But -- I guess you are afraid he would take you away from the good days of today? =/
  7. Reaping the rewards... [Hidden Content]
  8. Actor had her private email but Ambassador did not. Anyone NOT see a problem here? [Hidden Content]
  9. Finally! We can't be stupid all the time... [Hidden Content]
  10. Anyone here has Kevin Brady as their Congressman? If so, you might want to remmember his vote next election. My Congressman did the right thing. And I will let him know that... [Hidden Content]
  11. Agreeed! So -- why do we allow CNN and CNBC to host ours with their known-biased moderators?
  12. Who decides where they go? And -- again -- why didn't all of them go to the neiborhood that obama will be living in when he is done? Or, half there and half in Chicago...
  13. I'll ask my question again: Will Fox host a democratic debate? And will the moderators be Hannity, Limbaugh and O'reilly?
  14. This is our future? Again -- they are not there to assimilate. So, why are they there? What do they have in common with Germans? [Hidden Content]
  15. Good ones or bad ones? Is this ISIS? Come on, help us out! [Hidden Content]
  16. I'm sure somewhere BigGirl is cheering her on! LOL!!
  17. Your loathing of the TEA party. They stand for 100% Constitutionalism. Just connecting the dots...
  18. Thomas Jefferson, the orginal author of the Declaration Of Independence, wrote: " The Constitution... meant that its coordinate branches should be checks on each other. But the opinion which gives to the judges the right to decide what laws are constitutional and what not, not only for themselves in their own sphere of action but for the Legislature and Executive also in theirspheres, would make the Judiciary a despotic branch." Sorta like we are seeing now -- and for many, many years -- where one single judge can redefine marriage and make sodomite behavior so-called legal. Or -- make abortion Constitutional where the Constitution say nothing of the sort...
  19. Keeping it quite and under the radar. Sweet! [Hidden Content]
  20. Being 100% pro Constitution turns people off? Sad state for America if this is true. I don't guess we have asked before, but bullets, what part of the the Constituion bothers you?
  21. They didn't ask me. I am "Taxed Enough Already!" Aren't you, Blue??
  22. Because it's typical liberalism. Do as I say not as I do... Example: obama's against guns. But -- he has guns around him to protect him. The "Low Information Crowd" eats his anti-gun stance up...
  23. But -- they go after the one(s) that jump the fence. obama doesn't think that it's important enough, though, to do the same thing when other fences are illegally crossed.
  24. Because we actually have a Sympathizer In Chief. If America would be for something then obama usually is against it...
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