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Everything posted by smitty

  1. Ted Cruz quietly getting it done under the radar... [Hidden Content]
  2. [Hidden Content]
  3. It's amazing how quite obama and feminist are about this. [Hidden Content]
  4. To perpetrate his transformation agenda. SMH! [Hidden Content]
  5. From the article: " Jefferson County Judge Jeff Branick called the "equal and uniform" section of Texas tax law a loophole that enables large commercial and industrial property owners to shift the tax burden from owners of high-value property to individual residential owners. "They utilize a very unfair code of the Texas Tax Code to shift the burden onto homeowners," Branick said." Mr Branick, not necessarily true. What about controlling spending so that no one is burdened? Never does enter the conversation. It is my understanding, and correct me if I'm wrong, but doesn't all Jefferson County employees get there health care 100% paid for? Maybe have a pension plan that's 100% paid for? Where does one find that in the local industry? He calls it "unfair" when you abide by the laws. But -- it's fair, I guess in his eyes, that one year they raise taxes and then one year our evaluations go up. This way, on the second part, they get what they want and can tell everybody "I didn't raise taxes!" This is been going on before Branick. But he's done little to stop it... [Hidden Content]
  6. The obama mentality in a nutshell! This is what a community agitator thinks is important. SMH! [Hidden Content]
  7. PAM -- which party fights the hardest AGAINST voter ID's?
  8. No way to vet syrian refugees. From the article: "Senior FBI officials recently testified that they have no idea who these people are, and they can't find out what type of backgrounds they have — criminal, terrorist or otherwise..." Does one honestly think obama is really concerned. America's getting what it deserves... [Hidden Content]
  9. Should all be released in obama's neighborhood when he stops playing President. Anyone think that will happen? LOL!!
  10. Good ones or bad ones? [Hidden Content]
  11. Does that fact the we have a President with the middle name of HUSSIEN have anything to do with it? [Hidden Content]
  12. One has to wonder about the sanity of liberalism! [Hidden Content]
  13. Down right "Ugly" is the word on the latest jobs report... [Hidden Content]
  14. [Hidden Content]
  15. [Hidden Content]
  16. Interesting! Maybe some obama supporters here can help us understand this! [Hidden Content]
  17. Again -- obama's silence is deafening! [Hidden Content]
  18. [Hidden Content]
  19. Interesting! Thoughts? [Hidden Content]
  20. LOL! That's like asking, "will the sun come up in the morning?!" [Hidden Content]
  21. smitty


    More work emails found! [Hidden Content]
  22. Come on, obama mouth pieces, explain this for us! [Hidden Content]
  23. shrillary can't win Florida! [Hidden Content]
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