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Everything posted by smitty

  1. Dr Carson: Black Lives Matter crowd should focus on their own neighborhoods, not cops... OUCH! This ought to explode the heads of the touchy-feely crowd! [Hidden Content]
  2. More stuff that makes you go Huuummmmmmmm... [Hidden Content]
  3. When Jews stand with iran, well... [Hidden Content]
  4. [Hidden Content]
  5. [Hidden Content]
  6. Trump beating Shrillary head-to-head... [Hidden Content]
  7. Example of the dumb things Trump has said.
  8. And this... Help us connect the dots between what you stated and this. [Hidden Content]
  9. [Hidden Content]
  10. baddog, who fined the team and took their draft choices? The same ones that that found Brady guilty without any evidence?
  11. Unfortunately I have: Dole, McCain and Romney. And you see where that got me. A moderate couldn't even beat the worst President in history! But, no -- I would not vote for a moderate in a primary. As I've stated before, go to any library and show me all the books on "great moderates in history!"
  12. Age of obama: Low income workers see greatest decline in wages. obama supporters on this forum -- what say you? [Hidden Content]
  13. Smitty's right once again. Contrary to what some may think, we ARE a country of laws. And the Judge stated that Goodell "may not dispense his own brand of industrial justice." Brady was denied his "due process."
  14. Sad... [Hidden Content]
  15. obamacare's grants to the abortuaries! Again -- not what I pay taxes for... [Hidden Content]
  16. obama confirms: Ice is melting in summer! Brilliant deduction! [Hidden Content]
  17. Why are these thugs still walking the streets? The have made threats and should be arrested. Oh wait, I keep forgetting, we have a community agitator in the White House. I guess we'll have to wait for Cruz or Trump. [Hidden Content]
  18. In this touchy-feely society we have now, still, the most important part of this conversation is the word ILLEGAL... [Hidden Content]
  19. Ol' Jeb losing fund raisers. [Hidden Content]
  20. From the article: "White House emails to the IRS about individual tax returns cannot be exempted by the embattled agency under the Freedom of Information Act, a federal judge ruled Friday." Pretty self explanatory.
  21. Judge tells the IRS -- let's not cloud the fact that this is also obama -- you are not above the law! [Hidden Content]
  22. Another scare tactic by the lame stream liberal media that didn't pan out. Imagine that! [Hidden Content]
  23. Here are the "racist comments" that caused the killings... [Hidden Content]
  24. Again -- too much like his Dad! [Hidden Content]
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