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Everything posted by smitty

  1. Like you watch Fox news! LOL!!
  2. I believe he said he has never personally gone bankrupt. But, some of his company's have. But, new tobie, have you ever researched how many jobs Trump has created for people? And when -- IF -- you do, get back with this forum and tell us how that compares to how many jobs obama has created in his life time!
  3. Again, it's early. But one must remember -- carter was leading Reagan in the polls as late as August by 10%. And we all know Reagan destroyed carter. So... Bush appears to be too much like his Dad. Not what we need know.
  4. The real economic cost... [Hidden Content]
  5. Even harry reid agrees that "no sane country" would permit birthright citizenship. Well -- at one time he did!
  6. Another terrorist fighting for ISIS, know by four intelligent agencies, was allowed to roam freely around Europe. Is this incompetence or just being PC so not now insult the muslims? [Hidden Content]
  7. This ought to make the Global Alarmist heads explode! [Hidden Content]
  8. Hands-down favorite! [Hidden Content]
  9. Does one ever notice how one always hear about Social Security running out of money -- but never about welfare running out of money? Why is that?
  10. Hummmm, you do know the difference between LEGAL and ILLEGAL immigrants, don't you?
  11. More on the immigration scam. [Hidden Content]
  12. Newt Gingrich has tried to school us on court limitations and congressional authority. Courts are a function of the Congress. [Hidden Content]
  13. [Hidden Content]
  14. Cruz rises... [Hidden Content]
  15. Again, innocent until proven guilty. The Judge has cited "weaknesses" in the NFL's case. I've said all along that Goodell is just trying to save face because of the Ray Rice situation. But -- we are still a nation of laws. [Hidden Content]
  16. Gotta ask yourself: Why would obama agree to something like this? [Hidden Content]
  17. [Hidden Content]
  18. Maybe this is the reason why people are flocking to Trump. [Hidden Content]
  19. More sickness. And -- let's NOT forget that Shrillary and obama supports these abortuaries! [Hidden Content]
  20. Interesting! Explain.
  21. Didn't Shrillary say that she had secret service agents guarding her server? [Hidden Content]
  22. Ted Cruz is quietly out-raising the competition... [Hidden Content]
  23. I just heard it's up 305 classified emails!
  24. Sick irony. But, these are the faces of the "Low Information Crowd!" BTW -- there are actually screaming "where's my check?" (They get paid to agitate. But aren't getting paid) LOL!! [Hidden Content]
  25. He wants to kill who? [Hidden Content]
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