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Everything posted by smitty

  1. ​Just waiting to see if this is like when Gov. Perry was "indicted!"
  2. More proof that obama is an anti-Semitic racist?! [Hidden Content]
  3. Judge William H. Orrick quickly granted the injunction just hours after it was requested by the abortion providers’ association. Orrick, nominated to his position by obama, was both a major donor and bundler for obama’s 2008 presidential campaign, raising at least $200,000 in that effort and donating $30,800 to committees supporting him. [Hidden Content]
  4. Embarrassing? Or, obama really doesn't care? [Hidden Content]
  5. She was asked: What's the difference between the democratic party and socialist. My question is: Why be afraid to state the obvious? She knows the answer is "nothing!" [Hidden Content]
  6. ​Come on Buddy, you know TRUE fans tell the truth.
  7. This is what obama thinks is really important? [Hidden Content] And then contrast the above to obama's reaction to the Planned Parenthood controversy. [Hidden Content]
  8. ​Just curious why a U. of C. cop was making traffic stops. Unless I'm not aware that this is normal.
  9. Did I understand this right that the cop was an University Of Cincinnati cop?
  10. I know some here don't believe it but here's another example: The three big mainstream media networks spent only 11 minutes over the past two weeks on these hideous videos concerning planned parenthood. But -- they spent 14 minutes in one day concerning the killing of this lion in Africa. Have we gotten to point now that animals are more inportant than the hideous dissecting and illegally selling off the parts of unborn babies? And, by the way, it's just not unborn babies. On these videos they state that births happens before they could abort. But they dissect anyway. People -- that's killing a child. But, I'm sure other lions in Africa feel much better that people in America are concerned about ol' Cecil!
  11. Is this right or wrong? [Hidden Content]
  12. I just heard that the Union's agreement with the NFL only allows for fines for tampering with equipment not suspension. "IF" this is the case -- then this suspension will not/should not stand.
  13. ​I'll go with you, PAM: O 9
  14. Brady: "I did nothing wrong!" [Hidden Content]
  15. Brady's agent calls the Goodell led hearings a "shame." Will ask a judge for an injunction on Brady's suspension. Remember, ALL of us are innocent until proven guilty. And the thought of Brady "probably did it" doesn't pass the smell test. Let's bring it close to home: Let's say anyone here was told that they weren't going to get a pay check for four cycles because one was "probably" guilty of doing something. How long do you think that would last? One probably wouldn't be very happy. But -- it's OK for Brady but not for you? PS -- earlier I had brought up that there might be a money angle here that "might" wipe out this suspection all together. Thoughts on what that might be?
  16. Sarah's got it right... [Hidden Content]
  17. ​Good! They probably paid for it anyway through their taxes. LOL!!
  18. ​I expected nothing less. Remember, Goodell was the one that heard the case. So, what did one expect?! I suspect this goes to court.
  19. Man, he not only ticks us off, he's now ticking off his homeland! LOL!! [Hidden Content]
  20. Liberalism is actually funny. You can't make this stuff up! LOL!! [Hidden Content]
  21. [Hidden Content]
  22. Go Bernie! [Hidden Content]
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