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Everything posted by smitty

  1. PAM, I have a question for you: If someone is right on an issue -- why would you compromise? Let's look at a few issues: If one is a Constitutionalists, why compromise? If you are drowning in debt, and have an answer, why would you compromise? If Iran was about to lob a nuke towards America, and you have an answer for it, why would you compromise. The point I'm making is, contrary to popular beliefs, there are absolutes in life. So, why would anyone compromise their principles?
  2. This quote has been attributed to G.K. Chesterton: "It's the first effect of not believing in God that you lose your common sense. Also: "When people stop believing in God, they don’t believe in nothing — they believe in anything." Sorta what we are seeing now. Take religion out of schools and now, trying to force it out of government. We end up with -- right becomes wrong. Dog becomes cat. Man becomes women. And gay becomes normal. Societies that have ran down this path has never ended good. Look at all the communist/socialist nations around the world past and present: They do not allow religion in. Hummm, I wonder why
  3. It isn't so much that liberals are ignorant. It's just that they know so many things that aren't so!
  4. ​I listen to Mr. Berry. A GOOD conservative. Where did you go wrong?
  5. More from the black hole that is obamanomics. [Hidden Content]
  6. ​So, you think Madison was a anti-religious bigot? BTW -- there's no future in taking up for liberals. Unless one is one! PS -- I only mock liberal understanding. It is highly mockable. PSS -- I guess you studied under the Green Eggs And Ham author also! LOL!!
  7. If it's a tax, it has to originate in the House not the Senate. It violates the "Origination Clause" of the Constitution. But, as we've seen recently some of these Judges may not be as honorable as we thought. [Hidden Content]
  8. ​The present day liberal uses the "separation of church and state" to push and promote their anti-religious bigotry. Mr. Madison's thoughts on the subject were not anti-religious. His concerns were different. The present day liberal would not/does not understand Madison thoughts on the subject. Again -- there is something that Madison did that proved he wasn't against religion in government. Hummmmmmm...
  9. [Hidden Content]
  10. I hope BigGirl doesn't work for St Mary's... [Hidden Content]
  11. ​I more than implied: I stated that there is nothing in the Constitution that states "separation of church and state." With that being said I am well aware of Mr. Madison's thoughts on the subject. But, I am also well aware of something that he did that might give thought to the fact that he wasn't really that strong in his thoughts on the subject. Hummm -- what could that be? PS -- PAM is awful quite about this. This was originally directed towards him since he first brought it up.
  12. ​My original statement was that the Constituion says nothing about the strict wall of "separation of church and state." If it does please direct this forum to it.
  13. ​And I guess PAM studied the Constitution under Thurgood Marshall, that other notable conservative. LOL!
  14. ​Remember, now-a-days, history is what people want it to be. Just testing PAM on his knowledge of the Constitution and Federalist Papers. But no, our country wasn't founded to keep religion out of government. The 1st Amendment is only a response to the way England ruled. That there would not be an "established religion" by the government as did England. This strict wall of "separation of church and state" that the liberals like to talk about, well, it's not there in the Constitution.
  15. Were these attackers the peaceful, loving muslims or the so-called bad muslims? Help us out here! [Hidden Content]
  16. ​Are you sure about this?
  17. Remember -- obama's father was a communist muslim. obama wrote a book "Dreams Of My Father." Connect the dots!
  18. No support from obama against isis. But -- again -- let them fly a Confederate Flag and he'd want to nuke them. LOL!! [Hidden Content]
  19. Prolly Nederland. I heard she said there were changes needed in Nederland! Smart girl.
  20. ​You never heard of Michelle Malkin? Hummm... From the article: "On Monday, a Baltimore Sun lead editorial decried "a series of mysterious fires at African-American churches across the South" in the wake of the Charleston murders. The newspaper cited a "pattern" of attacks, including what it claimed was an "uptick in attacks on 37 black churches in the South" in the 1990s that "prompted President Bill Clinton to set up a church-arson investigative task force. The Sun neglected to mention that Clinton had falsely claimed at the time that he had "vivid and painful memories of black churches being burned in my own state when I was a child"-- an assertion immediately debunked by the Arkansas Democrat-Gazette." Anything by the left to stoke the fire. Even if it's a lie, that doesn't matter. It's the thought that counts! LOL!!
  21. ​Wow, Buddley, what do you think of this? [Hidden Content]
  22. Wait -- what's that I hear? Oh, it's silence from obama. Not a word about this. I guess we see where his true concern is. Maybe the gay thing is just politics. But -- on the other hand if these isis gay pushers were waving a Confederate Flag then obama would be all up in their business! SMH... [Hidden Content]
  23. From the article: "Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton characterized the decision as "a judge-based edict that is not based in the law," according to CNN." Mr. Paxton is right. The states should sue for violation of their 10Th Amendment rights. [Hidden Content]
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