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Everything posted by smitty

  1. Why socialism fails. In the article it states that there has been a, " resurgence of socialism, especially as it is now being embraced by young Americans..." Since there's not much teaching on the evils of socialism and communism, the kids nowadays think that socialism means that everybody's social -- you know, nice to one and other. But, when the leader of the free world states there is no difference between Capitalism, socialism, and communism, well, what do you expect?! Heaven help us!! [Hidden Content]
  2. smitty


  3. Curious, how does this help someone's opportunity in life? Giving them something they haven't worked for and don't deserve. Strange! [Hidden Content]
  4. A true un-American talking. He doesn't see the difference in any of these. An American President should be touting the virtues of the best system on earth. But -- he just can't bring himself to do it. Why? Because he doesn't believe it... [Hidden Content]
  5. I don't think I'd be opposed to letting the states decide.
  6. The problem is, is that the GOP establishment is willing to lose this election to protect their power. As Rush stated in comparison, " The Wizard of Oz didn't care what happened to Oz. He cared what happened to him." This is what we must fight.
  7. There's a sucker born every minute, unfortunately! [Hidden Content]
  8. It appears obama went down there as a relief for him. He feels at home there. Wishing America had the willingness to be like cuba. [Hidden Content]
  9. It's there to form your on opinion of what you see.
  10. Contrary to the thought here of those with the "youth and inexperience" (thank you Reagan!), and like-minded socialist, the squashy middle is NOT where elections are won! I'll set this challenge again, since we never got an answer to the same challenge before: I challenge anyone to go to any library and find any books on "Great Moderates" in history. We'll wait...
  11. How can this lady be a "former lesbian" is she was "born" that way? Maybe someone can help us out here?! [Hidden Content]
  12. Interesting there are not any comments from the "touchy-feely" faction of this forum.
  13. WOW, again, a socialist praising Kasich! Must give a warm, cozy feeling to those that think/thought Kasich was the answer. SMH!
  14. Don't forget Ford and Dole! LOL!!
  15. More wrongness from the establishment. Even in August, the polls had Reagan down 10% to carter. [Hidden Content]
  16. I wonder is this group would want a "quota" doing brain surgery on them? [Hidden Content]
  17. LOL! Out of the mouths of babes! Again -- when two socialist agree with you here, then that ought to tell you something.
  18. The sympathizer's comments are amazing! SMH! [Hidden Content]
  19. Two excellent Cruz ads... [Hidden Content]
  20. WOW!! You are the second LIBERAL to praise the post. Interesting!
  21. [Hidden Content]
  22. WOW! Bigger is supposed to be better? Not! LOL!! Any way, Carter was the worst President until obama showed up. Listening to Newt Gingrich I have a better feeling about Trump (but still not totally convinced). But, there's no doubt that Cruz could beat hillarious. Again, with Ford, Dole, McCain and Romney, we tried the mushy middle (establisment) and that didn't work.
  23. Bush 1 lost after not acting like Reagan. Eisenhower was a war hero. Nixon, well, we know how that turned out. 2nd Bush, well, barely won, but did. Didn't do much for controlling the size of government. Putting up candidates just to put them up thinking they could win, well if they do, then what have you accomplished? Heck, Nixon gave us the EPA. It was really sad when the establishment's choice, Romney, couldn't even beat the worst President in history. Again, not sure what's accomplished when/if they win.
  24. The establishment was behind Dole, McCain and Romney. How did that work out for them? BTW -- the establishment was also against Reagan! LOL!!
  25. This is a joke -- right??!! [Hidden Content]
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