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Everything posted by smitty

  1. Watch for hillary to claim that she's a black man, trapped in a white woman's body.
  2. Is NY City under water? More Global Alarmist shame! [Hidden Content]
  3. ​AlGore's made a lot of money off of the global warming lie.
  4. smitty


    ​Thanks for the compliment. I know the first part was there so Buddley would have something to like. Well, I never said these gangs were fighting. I used this to illustrate typical liberalism. Stating that Chicago cracks down on guns but apparently not gangs. Chicago apparently likes to insult the Constitution but not the gang thugs. I guess the mayor needs the the thug vote.
  5. [Hidden Content]
  6. [Hidden Content]
  7. Chicago cracks down on guns. Why don't they crack down on gangs?? Typical liberal philosophy. [Hidden Content]
  8. From the article: "The new Norwegian Prime Minister, Erna Solberg, began a program that deports Muslims who have ties to radical groups. And something stunning occurred: the country’s violent crimes are down more than 31% in less than a year since Muslim deportations began!" Imagine that! It's only confusing nowadays. In the past this would be called "The Right thing To Do!" [Hidden Content]
  9. I figured this UN-American scum bag had his tentacles in it! If he's involved -- whatever he's for -- then you KNOW the OPPOSITE is the RIGHT thing! [Hidden Content]
  10. 92,986,000 NOT in work force. But -- I bet everyone of them is sucking off of the taxpayers!! WOW, obamanomics at its finest! [Hidden Content]
  11. Caught lying for obama. [Hidden Content]
  12. Do these people actually want to be Americans?? [Hidden Content]
  13. LOL!! [Hidden Content]
  14. More delusion! [Hidden Content]
  15. He still thinks, and is probably right, that there are still "Low Information Voters" out there that will believe this garbage! [Hidden Content]
  16. This is hilarious! You can't make this stuff up. Starting a fight at a "Stop The Violence" charity basketball game. SMH!! [Hidden Content]
  17. What? Say it isn't so!! [Hidden Content]
  18. LOL!! [Hidden Content]
  19. ​Not really. Connecting the dots, if he allows this program to expand, then he really has no intentions of actually cutting anything. This would be easy to cut. But -- he can't even do this. True, both parties have allowed this USF to be sucked from the economy. But, since obama has the "buck stops here" mantle now, the debt has exploded under him. And will continue to rise. What was the debt when he took office?
  20. obama has no intentions of ever cutting the debt. Now he wants to have more give-a-ways. This pretty well proves it. This Universal Service Fee should have been done away with a long time ago. I blame both parties for allowing this to continue to the tune of 10-11 Billion dollars being sucked out of the economy! [Hidden Content]
  21. The Left's reign of terror... [Hidden Content]
  22. ​Prayers go out to the family.
  23. Interesting! It appears to be all part of the plan! [Hidden Content]
  24. The sad part is that 93 Million Americans are not working.
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