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Everything posted by smitty

  1. No, I missed the post.  But I'll go back and read it. 
  2. I just heard that the FBI knew the scum was coming to Garland to kill THREE HOURS in advance!  But -- the FBI did NOT pass that info on to Pam Geller.  I guess the salient question is -- WHY??
  3. let me understand something:  Baltimore has a black mayor.  They have a black police chief.  Three of the 6 police officers that were charged was black.  And the police department has a high percentage, if not majority of, minorities.  But yet the black mayor want's the feds to come in and investigate whether or not Baltimore has a racist police department?  Well, remember, al "Rooster" sharpton has called for the take over of all police departments by the feds.  It's my understanding that the feds have basically taken over the police departments of New Orleans and Seattle, just to name a few.  So -- the point?  It wasn't the mayor that made that call.  She was pressured by the feds to ask for this investigation!   [Hidden Content]
  4. Thursday night, while in a discussion, Megyn Kelly stated the something.  That the examiner was going to rule the death an accident but was persuaded, and I think Megan said, by the Mayor's office.
  5. Agreed!   :D
  6. obama playing politics?  This act aimed at Pam Geller is a terrorist threat!!   [Hidden Content]
  7. [Hidden Content]
  8. Now, to all the muslim sympathizers here, please explain how this can be compared to Christians?!  They originally wanted to kill many over a CARTOON!  Now they are threatening Pam Geller's life over a CARTOON!   Amazing!!    [Hidden Content]
  9. smitty


    obama said of Cuba: 50 years of sanctions have failed.  So we need to change the policy.  Now, let's move to Baltimore:  48 years of failed liberal Democrat control/policies and his solution is -- do MORE of it.  Why the two different philosophies? 
  10. First -- have you?   Second: Quran (8:12) - "I will cast terror into the hearts of those who disbelieve. Therefore strike off their heads and strike off every fingertip of them".  How would YOU interpret this?
  11. Hummm!?  Not sure what obama's  done positive for America that he would want sustained.  Maybe some of our liberal friends here can explain.   [Hidden Content]
  12. It's my understanding it says to cut the infidel's head off (or cut their throats).  So, is this a misinterpretation that the radicals make?  Or -- is it pretty straight forward on normal muslim beliefs?
  13. If, as Alan Dershowitz stated: "“had nothing to do with justice,” but instead amounted to “crowd control,” once these 6 officers are cleared, what should their reaction be?  What should they do?   [Hidden Content]
  14. LOL!  Yes, I heard one lady talk that was an "eye witness."  She said she was 30 feet away.  She stated that this black kid was sitting on a porch.  When he saw the police he started to run.  And the cops chased him and shot him in the back.  And he dropped face down.  Sounds like she needs glasses.
  15. So, at what point did this lady give up her Constitutional right to do what she did?
  16. Sad that the cop died.  But, I'm wondering if there will riots and marches demanding justice for shooting this cop?  Or is it just a one way street?  If so, then it should be spelled JUSTUS!
  17. Hummmm!!   [Hidden Content]
  18. So, are these two from the muslim radical faction or are they from the peaceful, loving faction that's actually doing what their book tells them to do in this situation?  Someone help us out here.
  19. Let me understand something: Did the mayor actually tell the thugs in Baltimore that they can have part of the city to destroy?    :huh: 
  20. With the left, everything was Bush's fault.  Still trying to blame him for stuff.  So, yes, Buddley, obama does own this one.   ;)
  21. This ought to make some on this forum down right giddy!    ;) :)   [Hidden Content]-
  22. Could be, Buddley!     
  23. We don't need another Bush.  Just like we don't need another Clinton.  Come on Bernie!    ;)   [Hidden Content]
  24. Wow!  This is happening under the first black President's watch. There seems to be a lot more anger out there.  This wasn't supposed to happen under his watch...   [Hidden Content]
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