I've seen some nice looking signs. Also seen a bull on two different occasions by two different people that was the same. Color and all. Point? I'm wondering whose financing this outrage? Is the civil rights "INDUSTRY" at it again. They were embarrassed in Ferguson. I think george soros has in slimy tentacles in it. Maybe one day they'll get it right! ;) :rolleyes:
Slow down, trigger, :D I never said I believed it either. The only part of your statement that was pertinent to the original question was the one I used from you. You seeing it was conformation enough for me.
A famous lawyer says charges will be dropped concerning the the accused Baltimore police. Dershowitz said, "This is a very sad day for justice . . . Today had nothing to do with justice. Today was crowd control. Everything was motivated by a threat of riots and a desire to prevent riots,"
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The first reports were that the examiners were going to rule that it was an "accidental" death. But -- after a "meeting" they changed it to a "homicide." Has anyone heard this also?
Should she recuse herself?
Also from the article, Gene Ryan, president of Fraternal Order of Police Lodge 3, stated, "none of the officers involved are responsible for the death of Mr. Gray."
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Proof just how awful obama's policies are and just how bad the economy is. But, the sad part is, is that low interest rates and continued printing of money is only sinking us further into the abyss!
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If people think not, then here's some questions: Whose policies are in place in Baltimore? Whose policies are in place in New Orleans? Whose policies are in place in Detroit. Whose policies are in place in New York City? Let's educate the Low Information Voters: It's Liberal Democrats!!
And obama said that the problem in these cities is that there isn't "enough" government involvement! Again -- showing obama doesn't have a clue about what actually creates jobs...
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There's a GRIEVANCE industry out there now. If the media doesn't think it fits their template of who is, or should be, grieved then it doesn't get air time.