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Everything posted by smitty

  1. The leader of the New Black Panther group is leading a "splinter group" of thugs fueling the riots...   [Hidden Content]
  2. One can't reasonably doubt that obama is NOT a Christian is the true sense of the word.  As we tend to forget, obama's Christianity comes in the form of what jeremiah wright said it was.  obama was a member of wright's so-call church for over 20 years.  While in college, when obama couldn't attend, he would order wright's tapes.  So, obama was well ensconced in wright's evil teachings.  Let's remember j. wright for a second.  He said, "Not God bless America, but God D**N America!"  And when 9-11 happened he said, "America's chickens have come home to roost!"  Now we know obama pretty much feels the same way.  Hardly anything he does is pro-America.  The central tenant in Christianity is Christ.  At the time, I had listened to many of wright's evil rants.  And I can't recall wright ever talking about Jesus.  I'll have to go back and listen to confirm.  So -- wright's so-called church, as I remember, was based on "black liberation theology," not Jesus!   [Hidden Content]
  3. How many people who have charities actually get rich just off the charities??   [Hidden Content]
  4. LOL!!  Good one!  
  5. hillary is a leftist radical that has been swallowed up by her lust for power and money.   [Hidden Content]
  6. The gay mafia showing their "tolerance" once again!!   [Hidden Content]
  7. One knows it's getting bad when they start to eat their own!   [Hidden Content]
  8. One thing that must be noted, is that obama, and other's, along with hillary, signed off on this uranium deal.    [Hidden Content]
  9. So, let's just ignore the fact the The New York Times, The Washington Post, The Washington Examiner and Reuters all had information in this article.  Are these fake also?  Again -- it appears that when one doesn't like what's being said then it's automatically a fake site.    ;)
  10. Again -- if one disagrees with it then it's a fake site.  As for as I am concerned it's legit.  If you know it's not, then educate this forum with the truth.  On a previous post you complained about a fake site because it was something you didn't agree with.  But the video inside was a Fox News video.  We are all for the truth.  So, educate us when we post something that's not true.  Instead of just saying it's a fake site. 
  11. [Hidden Content]
  12. So, it's a fake site when one doesn't agree with it?  It must, because there hasn't been any proof given yet that the article is wrong.  Again -- educate us where the article strays...
  13. LOL!!  The video inside is from Fox News.  I know some here consider this hate speech.  But Fox is legit!
  14. Then educate us.  Tell us where the article strays...
  15. What should be done about these radical mosque?   [Hidden Content]
  16. Thoughts?   [Hidden Content]
  17. I was looking for ways to reduce the government debt.  So here's another one:  Let get rid of the Department Of Education.  It wasn't needed until the late 70's when jimma carter created it.  Every State has one.  We don't need a centralized one that takes children's educational decisions away from parents and local communities.  That's why we have "Independent School Districts."  Bring it back to local control.  It worked before the the Feds got a hold to it. The last cost I found was 71.2 BILLION dollars.  And that, I think, is a couple of years old.  So, it's much more now...
  18. Video about hillary being trustworthy...   [Hidden Content]
  19. LOL!  You are probably right.  I just heard that she planted those people in Chipotle's.  They coached these people on what to say.  Also, she illegally parked in a Handicapped spot.  It's interesting why she thinks she has to act this way.
  20. The Civil Rights "INDUSTRY" still goes on and on today...    
  21. Just heard she didn't even leave a tip!  LOL!!
  22. Right!  Fees -- TAXES -- is sent to the Government.  These are being used.  This needs to stop.  If some business wants to be foolish enough to give these phones away, then more power to them.  But, I don't pay fees/taxes so that someone can get something for nothing.  I say: You want it -- you work for it!
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