He wants to take cuba off the sponsor of terrorism list. Maybe our liberal friends here can help us out. Why does he suck up to our enemies?
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One of her campaign's push is (From the article) "railing against what she called the country’s “dysfunctional political system.â€" Meaning: (From the article) “We need to fix our dysfunctional political system and get unaccountable money out of it once and for all...â€
Well, this is for the ingestion by the "Low Information Voter!" Why? From the article: "obama was the first billion dollar candidate–it will be, historically, his principal claim to fame–but Hillary promises to blow past that milestone... [M]any close to Clinton estimate she will raise and spend $1.5-to-$2 billion." She must think the the Low Information Crowd is large to think she can get away with this obvious bull corn!
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He catered to the Low Information Voter. While they were fooled, the truth ALWAYS comes out in the end. And unfortunately for America, that fooling has done great harm to America at home and abroad.
Very tolerable people/religion. LOL! They say only the radical ones are bad. The ones that set this person on fire seems to be mainstream. Thoughts?
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One thing: You need to stop looking at "thinkprogress!" This is a commie-lib site. Now, if any of this is "some-what true" then I would look elsewhere for the actual truth and FULL story.
obama's not totally innocent on this. But, you are right, there's enough blame to go around. BTW, I don't think the origianl psot said anything about it being totally Hussein's fault.
With the terrorist attack on Ft Hood, by obama classifying the attack as "workplace violence," this barred victims from receiving the Purple Heart and other benefits...
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It's OK to engage the enemy, some-what -- if you are trying to change them. It's my understanding that there were not any conditions of change by the communist in cuba when obama started this dialogue. So, obama must be OK with cuba's system. Hence the title...
America is in debt up to, well, we are drowning. So, let's start giving solutions. One good place to start is these obama phones that taxpayers are paying for. The cost is 2 BILLION dollars a year. I say call your Senators and Congressman and urge them to support eliminating this. Let's hear other suggestions...
Genesis 9:1 And God blessed Noah and his sons, and said unto them, be fruitful and multiply and replenish the Earth.
Folks -- homosexuals can't do this. So to say they are born this way, meaning God made them, can't be true. Thoughts?