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Everything posted by smitty

  1. This parallels the other liberal lie known as Ferguson.  The template was that white cops shoot innocent black kids for no reason. Well, we know that "HANDS UP, DON'T SHOOT" was a lie.  This, too, by the gay mafia and it's media sycophants is also a lie.  In the end, though, the TRUTH will always win out!              
  2. More liberal hypocrisy!  He's playing to the "Low Information" crowd.  What an idiot!!   [Hidden Content]
  3. The gay mafia strikes again!  The left talks about tolerance.  But just listen to all the anti-Christian bigotry going on right now concerning Indiana from the left/liberals.  We need to fight back at this intolerance on the left.  I suggest go vacation in Indiana!   [Hidden Content]
  4. Well, duh!  Tell us something we don't already know!   [Hidden Content]
  5. Unfortunately, nothing can be done now.  We can only educate for the future that this nightmare doesn't happen again.  But, after Jimma Carter, I never thought that we would have gotten ourselves in that situation again.  But, unfortunately, some people's history only goes back to the day they were born.   But -- without Jimma Carter, we would not have had Ronald Reagan.  So, there is hope!  I'm thinking Ted Cruz or Scott Walker.
  6. Another horror story...   [Hidden Content]
  7. Owed an apology!   [Hidden Content]
  8. WH caught trying to "BS" public on bergdahl.  From the article:  "White House ...caught trying to “BS” the American public, who they believed was “too dumb to realize it” on the swap for Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl.  ...empty five cells in Guantanamo and fill one in Leavenworth does that sound like a good deal now in hindsight?”   [Hidden Content]
  9. LOL!  It's one of education.  I know the kool-aid drinkers have not seen half, if any, what I post.  It's not about the politicians.  It's about educating the Low Information voter that hopefully is honest enough to see that there IS another side to the story they've been fed!   Which, in turn, might swing their vote the way I would like to see it.  Hence, that will affect who's in office.  I've always said that liberals aren't opposed to other sides of the story.  It just shocks the heck out of them that there is another side! 
  10. Interesting thought.  Where are getting your info that this is the reason why obama did it? 
  11. Why not?  Anyone that would throw his Grandmother under the bus wouldn't have allegiance to anyone anyway!  But, again, obama's pattern -- not doing what's good for America!   [Hidden Content]
  12. Wiped clean?!   [Hidden Content]
  13. Four men died trying to rescue him...
  14. Standing for Liberty!   [Hidden Content]
  15. Usually the Low Information crowd.
  16. Everything obama told you was a LIE!!   [Hidden Content]
  17. Everything obama told you about bergdahl was a LIE!  Let's not forget, in returen, the taliban got 5 high level, high ranking killers.  And another sad point is  -- obama let the taliban pick who they wanted released!    [Hidden Content]
  18. Well, it's official.  obama traded 5 taliban killers for a military deserter.  6 of bergdahl's team members originally said he deserted.  One said bergdahl left and sought out the taliban.  Again -- obama's not doing what's in the best interest of America.  Seems to be his pattern!
  19. You are right, but a bit confused.  God doesn't send people to Heaven or Hell.  Through their own "Action" people  send themselves.  Notice "Action" does not have a "S" on the end.  There is only one "Thing" that will either send you one place or the other... (Jesus talked about his blood.  muslims talk about your blood!)
  20. Upholding the Constitution and controlling spending is crazy?  This is what he thinks is important.  It's sad for America when people think these are problems!
  21. Also explains his citizenship...   [Hidden Content]
  22. :D
  23. Ted Cruz' first campaign commercial.  Refreshing to see a "true" American speak!   [Hidden Content]
  24. You weren't concerned about it with obama!       ;) :D
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