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Everything posted by smitty

  1. It's my understanding is that this individual feels the 2nd Amendment is is not for the citizenry but ONLY for militias. This is one reason obama nominated him. So, would he vote to take your guns away? Sounds like it!
  2. Straight to the point! [Hidden Content]
  3. How much more is that lady having to pay?? [Hidden Content]
  4. obama's anti-white statements. Like I've said many times before -- it's in his book what he believes! [Hidden Content]
  5. 2008, obama inciting violence at a rally. The community agitator at his finest! Also, notice the lies that never panned out. Like, for instance, "tax relief for the middle class." LOL!! [Hidden Content]
  6. [Hidden Content]
  7. [Hidden Content]
  8. Another most excellent non-answer!!
  9. Ted by a landslide! [Hidden Content]
  10. Good non-answer, pal.
  11. One's a Socialist and one's a Capitalist. No debate which one is better. On a related note: How's that "Hope And Change" working out for you??
  12. [Hidden Content]
  13. Explain.
  14. [Hidden Content]
  15. And to think that some here thinks that two old socialist on a debate stage is normal. LOL!!
  16. Good thing Cruz is not getting in the gutter with Trump and Rubio.
  17. After Tuesday, the net gain over Cruz for Trump is probably going to be fewer than 15 delegates.
  18. [Hidden Content]
  19. LOL!! [Hidden Content]
  20. [Hidden Content]
  21. If they come for your guns they can also come for your bows and arrows!
  22. Hummmm... [Hidden Content]
  23. Cruz/Rubio would do the trick!
  24. How about this: Instead of a Capitalist, Constitution loving American like Cruz, or anyone on the Right, changing to pander to some group that doesn't much believe in what I stated, how about those groups changing and start believing what's right (uh, no pun intended) about America? You know, again: The Constitution and Capitalism. bullets, have you ever read the 10th Amendment? If not, read it tell this forum what you see.
  25. You may right. That's the conventional wisdom. Poll I saw was the Cruz and Rubio would beat Hillarious but not Trump. All the more reason to vote for Cruz or Rubio.
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