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Everything posted by smitty

  1.  Duel, I think...
  2. [Hidden Content]
  3. Watch and learn!   [Hidden Content]
  4. From the article: "Meanwhile, White House spokesman Josh Earnest came to the defense of ISIS..."
  5. iran's supreme nut job states that they will not rest until the "...banner of islam is over the White House."  And obama thinks he can deal with these fruit cakes?  BiBi knows different!  Heaven help us!   [Hidden Content]
  6. Hey, BigGirl -- your silence is deafening!  
  7. 137 killed and 345 injured in another suicide attack.  I believe these were muslim attackers.  But I could be wrong.  These could just be the "Ladies Aid Society" group gone rogue!    [Hidden Content]
  8. Those peaceful, loving muslims being peaceful and loving once again! Remember -- Jesus talked about his blood; muslims talk about your blood...   [Hidden Content]
  9. Just heard one of the many reason for such a huge victory for BiBi, was that the Israeli electorate was striking back at obama for getting involved in the elections.  The fact that obama was trying to topple an ally should be a wake-up call concerning his competence!
  10. The good guy won!  Remember -- obama didn't not want the good guy to win.  Another obama defeat!   [Hidden Content]
  11. Tell me now that this environmental cow dung is not about controlling people!  Unchallenged, it will only get worst.    [Hidden Content]
  12. obama was supposed to bring racial harmony to the masses.  But, because of his "get even with-um-ism" I think it's been the opposite!  Thoughts!   [Hidden Content]
  13. Being able to videotape keeps everybody honest...
  14. An important question is -- why would obama fight against the man trying to fight muslim terrorist?  From the article: "...Senator Ted Cruz roared that Obama is funding the anti-Netanyahu campaign and said â€œ..Americans who support Israel deserve to know whether their President is actively working to remove him from office. And, even more troubling, whether U.S. tax dollars are being used to fund the campaign.”"   [Hidden Content]
  15. That dang pesky global warming is at it again!   [Hidden Content]
  16. BigGirl -- I've stated that Democrat Senators did the same thing when Reagan was president.  Even had documentation through a link.  Why do you ignore this??
  17. It's all about money!   [Hidden Content]
  18. BigGirl -- what do you have to say about this?   [Hidden Content]
  19. I would tend to agree, some-what.  I really state I'm a conservative.  Which, for the most part, at this time, is housed in the Republican party.
  20. And if Republicans supposedly violated the Logan Act, so did these Democrats:  Senators John Sparkman (D-AL) and George McGovern (D-SD), Senator Teddy Kennedy (D-MA), House Speaker Jim Wright (D-TX), Senator John Kerry (D-MA), Representatives Jim McDermott (D-WA), David Bonior (D-MI), and Mike Thompson (D-CA), Senator Jay Rockefeller (D-WV), House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA).   It's amazing how easily we forget.  It's also amazing how, to some, history starts from the day they are born!     ;)   [Hidden Content]
  21. SKINS, do you know anything about Neville Chamberlain?  If not, do some research and get back with us on your findings.
  22. Even iran said obama has surrendered!  Sad!   [Hidden Content]
  23. I guess the salient question is:  When will the benefits of obamanomics kick in for America??  Or -- is this his program?!   [Hidden Content]
  24. In any societal downfall, the first thing to go is its morals!
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