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Everything posted by smitty

  1. Ya think there might be some falsifying of documentation?  Government falsifies data all the time.    [Hidden Content]
  2. This is the face of obama.  Again -- not ready for prime time!   And America suffers while the juveniles are in charge!
  3. Well, since the obama amen corner couldn't help us on the Soebarkah question, maybe they'll do better on the next one.  Here it is:  Can anyone tell us what "Subud" is?  
  4. Can anyone state/show were obama has expressed his love for America?  How about his love for the western culture.  How about ANY western culture in the world?  Has he talked anywhere about American exceptionalism?   I do remember lady obama saying after the election, that "this is the first time that I have been proud of my country!"  Come on, help us out here!
  5. Now, just thinking out loud:  Do we need term limits or an educated electorate?   
  6. You are the Enlightened one.  What -- you didn't know this?    We figured you could tell us all there is to know about it.  
  7. You decide!   [Hidden Content]
  8. Just found out obama also had another name:  barack Hussien Soebarkah.   Not sure if Soebarkah was used as his first or last name.  Anyone here know anything about this?
  9. Remember -- again -- ol' Billy boy clinton and AlGore had the same info and came to the same conclusion that there were WMDs! So let ME say it -- Bush was right!
  10. I just saw her ACTUALLY say this!  Even as commie as Chris Matthews is he was even stunned!  Admit it, folks, this is a juvenile administration that is not ready for prime time!
  11. Ruling is a win for the rule of law in America!!
  12. Gov. Abbott -- I can see he's going to be a good one!!   He's one we will be able to count on!   [Hidden Content]
  13. True!   [Hidden Content]
  14. obama shows his un-American contempt once again!!   [Hidden Content]    
  15. Haven't see a "rational discussion" from your side on this subject yet here.   
  16. WOW!  More global warming later in the week!  Hey, I've got a suggestion:  Maybe some on this board could call and talk to these people that are freezing and tell them they "just don't understand," that they are actually experiencing warming instead!   It is the liberal northeast, though, and some here might find some gullible gulpers there!    LOL!!    ;)   [Hidden Content]
  17. When the Commies start turning on other Commies, well, you KNOW it's bad!!   [Hidden Content]
  18. Wow!  Within 1 foot of snow record.  I'm sure they are saying -- Come on Global Warming before we freeze to death!    ;)   [Hidden Content]
  19. LOL!!  The kool-aid gulping liberals are a funny sort!      ;)    :rolleyes:
  20. 100 Million face bitter cold!  Global warming sure has a strange face!      :rolleyes:   [Hidden Content]
  21. obama's Grandparents were communist.  They introduced young Barry (you do realize he was later adopted and legally changed his name to Barry Soetoro?!) to a friend and fellow communist, Frank Marshall Davis.  Communist Frank became obama's mentor.  Now to the naive among us, he wasn't mentoring young Barry in the fine art of playing Jax!   [Hidden Content]
  22. muslim brotherhood is in obama's White House.  So says Admiral James A. “Ace” Lyons (U.S. Navy, Ret.), former Commander-in-Chief, U.S. Pacific Fleet... So, the salient question is:  WHY?   [Hidden Content]
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