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Everything posted by smitty

  1. obama attacking big business again.  Something he does not care about and knows little about!    [Hidden Content]
  2. True!  I heard 107 jets flew to Davos to complain about global warming.  And about everybody -- except them -- cutting back on everything you do to save the planet.  But this is what socialist/communist do.  Control, people, it's all all controlling people!  LOL!!
  3. Again, the obama and the democrats will do anything to get/keep a permanent underclass...   [Hidden Content]
  4. LOL!  You drink obama kool-aid and we drink Limbaugh kool-aid.   You can have the socialist obama's flavored drink.    :rolleyes:  ;) 
  5. More...   [Hidden Content]
  6. Interesting!   [Hidden Content]
  7. True.  The Democrats need a permanent underclass in order to keep their power. 
  8. Wow!  obama would never do this.  Right?!   [Hidden Content]
  9. Come on, JV, you know the Commie-Libs here thinks the government is the answer and that it can solve anything! 
  10. LOL!!  Good thing there is global warming because it REALLY would be cold!!
  11. "It is a list of mandates that private insurance companies have to follow"  This is the problem.  Where in the Constitution does it allow for this?  I've been looking again at the 10th Amendment.  I can't find it in there.  BigGirl -- you might want to read the 10th Amendment and get back with this forum and tell us what you've read.    ;)
  12. WOW!!  Another communist connection AND an Iran connection.   It just keeps getting more and more interesting!
  13. Again, Israel is a problem but not Iran.  Naivety or Stupitay?  Well, probably a little of both...   [Hidden Content]
  14. smitty


    Steve, this is why they MUST keep interest rates low.  If they allow them to rise like they should, then the debt would really explode.  But anyway, all government programs are bankrupt or about to be.  Again, the dirty little secret is that the debt is not what is officially stated by the government.  The amount of unfunded liabilities (debt) is over 100 TRILLION DOLLARS...
  15. True, there's waste in everything.  And I don't like waste anywhere.  But my point is, and since the military is Constitutional, historically, they have done a good job.
  16. So, one can legislate companies not to be greedy?  What about more competition?  If you think one company is greedy then you can go find one that's not.  Why do people think government has all the answers?  Let's be honest, other than the military -- what does big government do right?  Just about everything they do is bankrupt or about to be.
  17. From the article: "He went to socialist conferences at Cooper Union and African cultural fairs in Brooklyn and started lecturing his relatives until they worried he'd become "one of those freaks you see on the streets around here."" There is more on his early life that has led him to becoming a socialist, if not more...   [Hidden Content]
  18. You decide...   [Hidden Content]
  19. Ask BigGirl!    :)
  20. What exactly was wrong with healthcare that had to be dealt with?
  21. Interesting that there's nothing from the left on this.  Maybe they are learning!  And that's good!
  22. I'd pretty much tend to agree.  I think it has been less about facts and more about power and control...   [Hidden Content]
  23. This obama "mini-me" must be stopped!   [Hidden Content]
  24. It's a shame, though, that Jordan has to show obama what a proper reaction looks like!!
  25. His father and step father were/are muslims.  I can see why he would be sympathetic to muslims.  But the bad part about it is that both of his fathers hated Jews.  So, his treatment of Israel and Bibi Netanyahu must be related to the way he was brought up.  Hence, the "Dreams Of My Father" book was written shows how he felt about the beliefs of this father.  Thoughts?!
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