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Everything posted by smitty

  1. Absolutely!  I disagreed fervently with Bush on him allowing spending to go unchecked.  He had control of the House and Senate for 6 years and they could have cut wasteful departments.  He was good on some things, not so on other.  Romney, McCain, Dole, were all squashy.  I feel this is the reason why they lost.  New -- how about asking the liberal faction here the same question about obama?  Or any democrat, for that matter. PS -- I notice you didn't address the point that obama is a socialist.     ;)
  2. "Now they operate more like a rebel force."  Are you saying they are nothing more than "freedom fighters?" 
  3. And the facts keep on rolling in...   [Hidden Content]
  4. Smitty called it again!     :)
  5. Can some of our liberal friends here explain this?!   [Hidden Content]
  6. Hummmm!!   [Hidden Content]
  7. Like we needed another one!  LOL!!  Anyway, one of obama's minions stated that the reason obama wouldn't meet with BiBi Netanyahu was that he didn't want to "influence" the Israeli elections.  But as this article states, obama -- AGAIN -- is not telling the truth.   [Hidden Content]
  8. Yes, I've heard about this.  The question is why?  Because this is the same thing the muslims want!
  9. One wouldn't see Reagan speaking at a Socialist/Communist rally.  You know the saying, birds of a feather.    Plus, one wouldn't see Reagan or Ted Cruz seeking out Marxist professors.  Plus the flow chart shown is pretty damning.  Plus he hired an admitted communist, Van Jones, to be in his administration.  Like I've said, It's just the beginning.
  10. I started a post proving obama's a socialist.  And I've only just begun.  Check it out.  Show me where's it's all false. 
  11. Proof obama member of the Socialist New Party...   [Hidden Content]
  12. "...sought out Marxist Professors."  Again -- not that much difference between a marxist and socialist.   [Hidden Content]
  13. Anyone can add to list!  This is just the beginning...  
  14. smitty


    Give us a few.
  15. Round one of proof that obama IS a socialist.   [Hidden Content]
  16. [Hidden Content]
  17. Could it be that obama really is an anti-Semite?  Plus the way he treats BiBi Netanyahu, one has to wonder...   [Hidden Content]
  18. [Hidden Content]
  19. America's fault?    [Hidden Content]    
  20. PATHETIC!  obama will not meet with our ally, BiBi Netanyahu, but he'll meet with this clown. 
  21. From the article: "Obamacare calorie regulation carries criminal penalties."   Anyone heard about this?  I bet everyone has heard about the deflated football controversy in the NFL.   Again - PRIORITIES!!   [Hidden Content]
  22. HA!  A democrat operative plant.  Imagine that!!
  23. They know they would have to divide the squashy vote if both ran.    :D 
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