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Everything posted by smitty

  1. What is your reasoning as to why concerning the bold/ underlined?
  2. bullets, is Mr Oliver a conservative?
  3. Ha! Good one... [Hidden Content]
  4. Just curious: Are you saying Trump's a conservative?
  5. The best endorsement Cruz has received yet. Robert B Reich unwittingly tells why Cruz IS the right candidate... [Hidden Content]
  6. Even biden... [Hidden Content]
  7. smitty


    [Hidden Content]
  8. [Hidden Content]
  9. Cruz' AD hits Rubio on immigration... [Hidden Content]
  10. Hummmmm!! [Hidden Content]
  11. But -- the community agitator man-child WILL do this. [Hidden Content]
  12. I've heard his non-responces before when asked about dealing with the massive debt. Eliminating the Department Of Education is a great start, but he doesn't have much more to offer. It appears, though, that Cruz brought it up first and Trump is just repeating. So -- is he really serious? [Hidden Content]
  13. If they thought it was good then, then it must be good now! LOL!! [Hidden Content]
  14. It's my understanding that the stupid terrorist woman had jihad all over her Facebook. But -- obama didn't want to look into it for "privacy" reasons. But, he wants now harass a private company that has "privacy" implications. Take care of the first and we wouldn't be talking about the second. Typical, though, of a "community agitator," can't get anything right!
  15. This poll is interesting. I think it may end up being correct! [Hidden Content]
  16. This one's too easy. I'll just let it stand and people can form their own jokes. SMH! [Hidden Content]
  17. Hillarious prefers women?! Well, DUH!! [Hidden Content]
  18. Bad or good ones?? [Hidden Content]
  19. Cruz surge in S. Carolina?! [Hidden Content]
  20. Excellent new Ad from Ted Cruz... [Hidden Content]
  21. Trump is kind of getting on my nerves. I think he was exposed in this last debate. Hopefully it'll be Cruz that will eventually breaks out. It appears, as has been stated here before, that Trump is obama in different clothing.
  22. WOW -- what did the democrats do?? [Hidden Content]
  23. Wait -- what is chucky-boy saying? [Hidden Content]
  24. Help us out; Bad or good one? [Hidden Content]
  25. Actually I blame the NFL commissioner for this... [Hidden Content]
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