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Everything posted by smitty

  1. So is the second to last sorriest President in History, obama now being first, Jimma Carter.  And your point? 
  2. More global warming!!   [Hidden Content]
  3. First obama's illegal amnesty and then obamacare!!   [Hidden Content]
  4. smitty


    Because, 77, it's not a Civil Rights Movement any more.  Look at the race baiters and race hustlers.  It's a Civil Rights Industry!
  5. From the article: "...his lawlessness is coldly calculated, dating back to his days as a Chicago community organizer. Consider what he wrote on page 276 of his 1995 memoir, “Dreams from My Father,” reflecting on his decision to study law: “I had things to learn in law school, things that would help me bring about real change. I would learn power’s currency in all its intricacy and detail, knowledge that I could now bring back to where it was needed…bring it back like Promethean fire.” Obama fancies himself a modern-day Prometheus stealing laws from the oppressive Founding Fathers for the benefit of the oppressed. “I just took an action to change the law!” he reminded Hispanic activists in Chicago last week, referring to his executive amnesty."  Folks -- It's all in his book.  He's all about "getting even with the man!"  But his way of doing is to break the law.  That's why you never say strong condemnation, if any, of the thugacracy in Ferguson.  Also this is why he dropped the "already won" lawsuit against the black panthers when they illegally blocked a voting place.    [Hidden Content]
  6. True.  There's speculation that the democratic Governor was pressured by obama for one of two reasons.
  7. The National Guard was called and ready.  But never deployed to stop what everyone knew was going to take place.  The question is why?  I even heard the Lt Governor was wondering why the Governor wasn't deploying them.  Thoughts?   [Hidden Content]
  8. Look at this picture.  What do you see?  I see 4, possibly six, healthy individuals that should NOT be there.  And that is only what I can see.  My question is:  Why don't these people have jobs that would support them buying food for themselves and their families?  Another aspect concerning these young and healthy people you see there -- NO SHAME!!  The welfare system destroys families and shame!!  Thoughts?   [Hidden Content]
  9. From the article:  "Anderson Cooper is previewing his intention to reveal the fraud behind one of the Brown Family “pathologists” who conducted their “private autopsy”." [Hidden Content]
  10. The "Community Agitator" ought to be proud how his minions are keeping his good work up while he's away...   [Hidden Content]
  11. Thugacracy continues...   [Hidden Content]
  12. True.  But has a liberal news paper ever fact checked any anti Republican skit?  That part didn't seem strange?
  13. Steve -- best news I've heard in a while! 
  14. More of that warm weather disguised as freezing something or another!    ;)   [Hidden Content]
  15. Wow, obama, thanks!  But he's not ashamed of this figure.  This is his idea of fairness.  Not a paycheck but a welfare check!  Sad!!   [Hidden Content]
  16. The thugacracy in Ferguson knows no boundary.  If it wasn't so sad it would be funny and ironic.  Burning the Brown's family church shows that this was not about what happened to the kid.   [Hidden Content]
  17. Was Jesus the government?  Or was he an individual?  Answer that and you have your answer to who should be helping...
  18. obama is not a very deep thinker.  He is a strict ideologue that can't see outside that box.  When asked by a fellow liberal, who appears to have figured out that this could come back to haunt them, about a future President doing what he did to, say, cut taxes, or cut all the "gimme" programs, his mumbling and stumbling of a answer tells that he doesn't have a clue.     [Hidden Content]
  19. You like him?
  20. Four words that could end this disaster called obamacare!   [Hidden Content]
  21. Right or wrong?   [Hidden Content]
  22. Ted Cruz is a Constitutionalist!  That's all we need to know...
  23. He had to go because he stated that ISIS is a real issue and obama's not doing anything about it.  Remember, obama said ISIS is a "JV" team.  He contridicted obama, so he had to go...
  24. Even Saturday Night Live got into the act of making fun of obama's lawlessness.  But what is really funny, the Washington Post wasted time on "fact" checking the SNL skit.  Talk about 100% lap dogs!   [Hidden Content]
  25. BigGirl -- what say you??!!
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