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Everything posted by smitty

  1. Steve, like I've said before -- the only one really glad that obama is President is Jimma Carter.   He knows now that he won't be the worst President ever! 
  2. hillary clinton's Record:   New Hampshire - Win Iowa - Lost Kansas - Lost Arkansas - Lost Kentucky - Lost North Carolina - Lost South Carolina - Lost Georgia - Lost Texas (Davis) - Lost Colorado - Lost West Virginia - Lost Louisiana - Run off as 2nd place  
  3. This ought to give our liberal friends here a cardiac arrest!    ;)   [Hidden Content]
  4. A total rejection of obama's policies!!  Good news indeed!!
  5. The sad part about this is that these people can vote.  So, this is the epitome of a "Low Information Voter!"  Wouldn't all agree?  The other sad part is that these people's votes count as much as those that do pay attention to the issues...
  6. And people wonder why this country is in the shape it's in!     [Hidden Content]
  7. BigGirl -- did you watch the video?  If so, what part do you disagree with? 
  8. More on what has happened that wasn't going to happen according to obama.  From the article: "The Affordable Care Act was supposed to make health care more affordable, but a study of insurance policies before and after Obamacare shows that average premiums have skyrocketed, for some groups by as much as 78 percent."  My question is -- Affordable for who??    [Hidden Content]
  9. I seen this.  Now you know why Democrats hate voter ID laws!
  10. OUCH!!   [Hidden Content]
  11. obama sucks up to muslims.   First, he wanted to "fundamentally transform America."  And then he has made the only democracy and friend of America Israel the enemy in the middle east.  Basically turned America's back on Israel.  One has to wonder!  Maybe our friends on the left who still supports obama can help us out here.   [Hidden Content],7340,L-4584052,00.html
  12. Didn't obama say the same thing?  And the stupidity keeps rolling in!  Amazing...   [Hidden Content]
  13. Come on Libs, what say you??   [Hidden Content]
  14. What ever happened to rugged individualism and personal responsibility to gain one's own prosperity?!  This doesn't even cross this regime's mind because liberals always blame someone else for their problems and plight in life!   [Hidden Content]
  15. From the article: "John Coleman, who co-founded the Weather Channel, shocked academics by insisting the theory of man-made climate change was no longer scientifically credible.  Instead, what 'little evidence' there is for rising global temperatures points to a 'natural phenomenon' within a developing eco-system."   One interesting part is "shock academics."  Academics!!  Not anyone in the actual field!  Personally, I think the hippy-freaks in the 70's were actually right, although for different reasons, that we are in a cooling phase.  But -- a little common sense is that the Sun has a lot to do with temp variations!   [Hidden Content]
  16. In this video Reagan said: "The more the planners fail  -- the more the planners plan!"  Good stuff.  And of course you have obama saying he hasn't expanded the welfare rolls.  Manna for the "Low Information" crowd!    ;)   [Hidden Content]
  17. Steve -- the "Low Information" crowd is gonna challenge you on this!      ;)
  18. Kudos to MSNBC!   Tina Brown finally gets it right!      [Hidden Content]
  19. Baddog -- my wife has said the same thing! 
  20. Steve -- this whole regime is based on nothing but lies!
  21. This is for any "Low Information Voter" that wants to learn. 
  22. obama says he's not "philosophically" opposed to a travel band from countries that have the Ebola virus.  But -- he says he's NOT going to do it.  Other countries around the world have.  So -- why hasn't he??  Thoughts?
  23. How a real President reacts!  What a difference!    [Hidden Content]
  24. Radical muslims just a minority?  Watch this and you decide.   [Hidden Content]
  25. President Ronald Wilson Reagan said:  "Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn't pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same, or one day we will spend our sunset years telling our children and our children's children what it was once like in the United States where men were free."   Excellent!    
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