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Everything posted by smitty

  1. I guess it all depends on your definition of "mass."  What threshold would you give it before it becomes a "mass destruction?"
  2. Just when you didn't think liberalism couldn't get more creepier.  Three goofy congress people wants our people to be more "hands on" in Africa dealing with Ebola.  From the article and letter sent to obama; "allowing military medical and technical personnel to provide direct care to and to come into contact with patients in West Africa..."   [Hidden Content]
  3. smitty


    Again -- more evidence of the racism mastery of the racism master!
  4. smitty


    More racism from the race hustler?!   [Hidden Content]
  5. smitty


    2nd at same hospital...   [Hidden Content]
  6. smitty


    Really!  Here ya go...   [Hidden Content]
  7. I thought liberals were big on separation of church and state.  Oh yeah, hypocrisy.  Heck of a thing!  She's an idiot.  I hope Houston admits their mistake and takes care of it next election.
  8. smitty


    Yes, I heard this.  The Republicans wanted more money.  obama wanted to cut the money.  More lieing ads are being ran trying to blame Repubs for Ebola.  If, IF, we had an honest press, this would easily be exposed.  But, they agree with the message.  Sad!
  9. Abbot by a land slide.  I think he'll be a good Governor. 
  10. What is it that threatens America?  ISIS, radical islam, massive cuts in the Pentagon budget, Putin, Ebola?  NO --  what obama's Pentagon thinks the threat to America is, you ready for this --  Global Warming!  Well, in the Pentagon, there is no George Patton.  But you do have obama "mini mes."   In other words people that do not have a clue in a dangerous world.   [Hidden Content]
  11. Well -- this is interesting.  obama's State Department endorses handbook published by Canada’s Muslim community that calls jihad noble!  But, though, it was so bad that even the Canadian cops rejected it!   One has to wonder...   [Hidden Content]
  12. obama originally denied this ever happened.  They covered it up because the 2012 elections were coming up.   [Hidden Content]
  13. Not lying.  I'm sure it's a correct number.  But...   From the article: "Labor Participation Rate Drops To 36 Year Low; Record 92.6 Million Americans Not In Labor Force."  This is how they come up with this number!   [Hidden Content]
  14. This is the type of unqualified people obama has running the departments that are failing America!  This is about his pick to lead the Secret Service. From the article:  "In the spring, Pierson was irate at what she considered the excessive security measures her team had planned for the U.S.-Africa Leaders Summit, which Obama hosted this summer, demanding that it dismantle extra layers of fencing and reopen closed streets, according to two agency supervisors. Supervisors who had mapped out the security plan said they were taken aback when Pierson, who worked during high school at Walt Disney World as a costumed character and park attendant, said: “We need to be more like Disney World. We need to be more friendly, inviting.”   Not a clue!!   [Hidden Content]
  15. You know, I was thinking about why obama doesn't seem too concerned about Ebola in America,  I thought he's doing his typical "America doesn't deserve any special treatment in the world."  You know, why should Americans be protected when other people in the world can't.  But, I said that can't be the reason.  But -- look at what I came across!  obama, along with strong support of the ACLU, (from the article) "quietly scrapped plans to enact sweeping new federal quarantine regulations that the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention touted four years ago as critical to protecting Americans from dangerous diseases spread by travelers."  I should not be shocked.  obama's history has been to tell America, "it's time to pay the price!"  obama, along with the ACLU, thinks it's not fair that we have these protections at the expense of others.  But, it's, again, a Constitutional question of protecting Americans.  But, as we have said, and he has shown, the Constitution means nothing to obama!   [Hidden Content]
  16. It's amazing how nothing works under obama:  The secret service, the intelligence community, the IRS, the economy, the VA, etc, etc...  For all those that support liberal, centralized government, well you got it.  And and it's a complete disaster!  Congratulations!
  17. The cop's widow speaks out against this thug...   [Hidden Content]
  18.  Come on, Libs, tell us these students are not "Low Information Voters."   Vermont is pretty much a waste land. This fruit cake killed a cop in 1981.  After he shot him, the cop was laying on his back, this thug was over him and shot him in the head.  The thug was sentenced to death,  BUT -- the prosecutors agreed to a life term when a federal appeals court ordered a new hearing citing "flawed jury instructions."  This a typical liberal ploy.    [Hidden Content]   [Hidden Content]
  19. When you are made fun of on SNL, well, you know it's bad.  How embarrassing, Beaumont!   [Hidden Content]
  20. I've seen Lou before on shows  talking politics.  This is how I know he's a good conservative and good American.
  21. Steve, the verbiage in 100% right on!
  22. This sounds like something that Lou would say.  Lou is a good American and staunch conservative.
  23. To be replaced with al sharpton?!  Why not?  holder reduced it to a clown organization anyway!
  24. More liberal hypocrisy?!     [Hidden Content]
  25. Big hypocrite number 2...   [Hidden Content]
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