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Everything posted by smitty
Kennedy loses his cool after a reporter ask if he has a cell phone and car. I wonder how many houses he has? Plus how many trips by jet he takes? BTW -- AlGore drove away from the global warming agitation protest in a SUV. More massive carbon foot prints! But remember -- only Low Information Voters still believe them that this is about global warming. PS -- think back to the 70's, this same bunch tried to scare us with "global cooling." But that didn't work, so... But, they should have stayed with that one because at least they would be right along with their wrong clandestine reasons... [Hidden Content]
According to obamacare architect, ezekiel emmanuel, yes at 75! Is this a liberal's idea of being compassion? :rolleyes: [Hidden Content]
Most excellent question!!
Since the question was ignored, one can only deduce that one's liberalism over rules everything. Even the feeling toward a loved one that might wake up headless. We always knew liberalism was weird, but when did it get so creepy?
Liberalism is their religion. It over rides everything, including their sense of honor towards this country.
If it was to defend your kin from getting their heads cut off, I would not have a problem. ;)
What private business do you know that can lose billions and billions of dollars Per Quarter and still survive? None! So why should the postal service survive? Private industry would take up the slack were needed. Time and technology has pasted the postal service by. It's time to eliminate it!
BigGirl -- I bet is it was one of your kin folks you would have a different attitude about what the response should be! ;)
Go ahead and tell us liberalism is not goofy. [Hidden Content]
I bet if it was one of her kin folks she would have a different attitude.
Resolved: The US Postal Service should be eliminated. It should be replaced with more efficient private industries. Thoughts?
Caroline Lee Smith wrote the article. Have you had any problems in the past with what she has written?
More education from the Right. Excellent!
Possible landslide! Sweet!! [Hidden Content]
BigGirl -- Was it an inanimate object that beheaded two Americans?
Is this what we pay taxes for? Thoughts? [Hidden Content]
In his speech tonight (9-10-14), any bets that obama WILL NOT use the words, "War On Terror," or "War Against Jihad," or "Islamic Extremism?" In other words -- Will He DEFINE The Enemy? I say probably not. We shall see! PS -- Remember, he said wanted to just "manage" the situation over there. So...
Since the border is wide open, one has to suspect this to be true. But, if not this one, there are others. One must ask themselves -- who was there to stop them?!
Any time there is a constitutional issue we will side with that. Securing our border is one of them. Along them same lines, you are right, we also believe in the 10th Amendment.
92,269,000 are not in the labor force. [Hidden Content] And those that are, 24,639,000 are held by foreign born individuals. [Hidden Content]
Since our southern border is wide open, can we presume that bad elements have passed through undetected? Can we presume that maybe the Ebola virus, ISIS, members Mexican drug cartel and general thugs from South America may have passed through and into America? I know some will still blame Bush. Bush allowed for easy access for children of sexual abuse and sex trafficking from South America. Well, this is more touchy-feely that didn't turn out good. Touchy-feely usually never does. But, obama could stop it at any time. I just heard that only 20% of those invading our border is children. So, 80% is not Bush's fault. Again, obama could stop it. We have secured borders NOT to keep good people out but to keep the bad elements out. Why do lock our doors? To keep good people out? No! To keep the bad invading our homes. So, why is obama allowing his?
Well, now this is interesting! [Hidden Content]
It's amazing that we are subjected to searches by the TSA at airports. We have to take our shoes off and empty our pockets. We have to arrive 2 to 4 hours early. Now we find out that a terrorist connected to ISIS was working for Delta at the Minneapolis International Airport. And NO ONE -- not even the TSA knew it!! Thoroughly stinking amazing... [Hidden Content]