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Everything posted by smitty

  1. Good, bad?  Thoughts...   [Hidden Content]
  2. This hate group slims it's way into town.  Prolly not knowing any more of the facts than you or I do!   [Hidden Content]
  3. Feel free to bring it up at any time.  Not a problem!
  4. ;)  LumRaider, the Moderators know what the problems are.  They are taking care of it in their own time and way!
  5. Part time jobs increase while pay decreases...   [Hidden Content]
  6. Westend, silly is always in the eye of the beholder.  So, with that being said, what has made this forum silly as for as you are concerned?
  7. Curious what the opinions are here on WHY the people, especially kids, felt it necessary to ransack and loot stores in Ferguson, MO? 
  8. Keeping the Low Information Voter low informed!     ;)   [Hidden Content]
  9. Wow, Steve, knock this one out of the park!
  10. My, my!  Let's hear the libs explain this one!    [Hidden Content]
  11. I heard they even had kids stealing.  I wonder how many of these looters have jobs?
  12. There's no respect for the taxpayers tax dollars anymore!  But -- you get what you vote for!
  13. What evil looks like!  Like BiBi Netanyahu said -- It WILL "be coming to a theater near you!"    [Hidden Content]
  14. shoval, the point is, if obama can out-sorry two sorry individuals like Hillarious and the Barnymeister, you know that obama must really be sorry concerning his policies when they side with the right...
  15. Steve, I guess that every government program is doomed to fail.  Everyone knows this is a colossal failure.  It keeps losing money year after year.  But, the politicians keep walking around like every day is Christmas...
  16. Even Hillarious Rodman Clintonista gets the that fact that obama's foreign policy failure is giving rise to radical muslims.    [Hidden Content]
  17. Hummmmm - Interesting...
  18. Wasn't the PAISD on the verge of bankruptcy a few years ago?  If so, now they want to be trusted with 195 Million.  More power to them.  Mat said at no cost to the taxpayer.  Well, somebody has to pay for it.  Whomever that is  -- let the buyer beware.
  19. Sorry to hear about your cousin.
  20. obama seems to think so.  I heard this morning obama say, it's silly to think that we can go back in and "tamp things down again" in Iraq.  Sounds like Bush had things under control and obama lost it.  Thoughts?
  21. Says it wasn't his idea to leave Iraq.  The man-child still can't tell the truth!  I guess it's just not in him...   [Hidden Content]
  22. And the thanks to obama keep rolling in!      [Hidden Content]
  23. This ought to send the "Low Information" liberal crowd into a cardiac arrest.  Ouch!!
  24. Guilty conscience?  Since I didn't mention any names, why did you presume it was you I was talking about?  :rolleyes:
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