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Everything posted by smitty

  1. Come on, Steve, connecting the dots for some is a little out of reach!     :D 
  2. Let's think about this:  Do you think they can make the connection between the bullet years ago and his death now as the cause?   Not knowing all his medical details, on the service I would think maybe not.  Thoughts?
  3. So, BigGirl, you are for discrimination as long as it's not you being discriminated against?  Were you for it before you were against it or vice versa? 
  4. I heard this.  This is interesting in the fact that originally no one was murdered.  All 13 counts were dropped by reason of insanity.  But now,  can this murder charge be in play without any double jeopardy concerns?  It would appear that could be the case.  Interesting to see how this goes.
  5. Well, maybe the same computer that ate the IRS emails ate the HHS emails!!   LOL!!   [Hidden Content]
  6. Liberals are outraged!!  More proof liberals do not have a clue about capitalism...   [Hidden Content]
  7. It's amazing how the government can screw things up.  But yet the Low Information crowd hollers for more!     :rolleyes:   [Hidden Content]
  8. Show us something that he has done right for America and we'll acknowledge it.
  9. Not really!  Wow!  So much for human rights concerns!  LOL!!   [Hidden Content]
  10. smitty


    LOL!!    :P   [Hidden Content]
  11. Obviously it was in print.  Otherwise some wouldn't know about it poll.  What I was alluding to, and should have stated it for clarity purposes, since we here on the right are doing the teaching, was that the NBC nightly news failed to cover its own results during the Tuesday night broadcast of the NBC nightly news.  But, what did NBC think was more important?   Brian Williams, the anchor, spent 40 seconds promoting a video of a Norwegian mother trying to get her two-year-old son to go to bed on a hot summer night.  Wow!  Talk about targeting the Low Information Voter! 
  12. This is what the man-child thinks is important.  No wonder his foreign policy is in shambles!    [Hidden Content]
  13. Poor Un-Enlightenedone can't handle the truth!   ;) :)
  14. It's my understanding that NBC didn't even report their own poll findings.  No news bias, huh?    [Hidden Content]
  15. Read the quote again: It says "they were in part responsible."  Again -- nothing different here. 
  16. Everything was true, though.  So, you just don't like the way it was stated?  Or that it was exposed? Don't misunderstand, we here on the right, it's not our intent to "rile" up the Low Information Voter!  It's truly our intent to educate the Low Information Voter!  But -- just because someone doesn't like what has been said or reported, or can't understand it -- does not make what was stated wrong! 
  17. Nothing different from what was originally stated. 
  18. Yep you are OK with reverse discrimination?  Let's make it clear what you are Yepping!  Or, are you Yepping another post here? 
  19. So, BigGirl, you are against discrimination.  Right?  But you are OK with "reverse" discrimination?
  20. Steve, since there is not any economic growth they have to keep printing money!!  Those that don't pay attention will not even realize it.  But, one day, they will.  You can't continue to debase your currency by printing tons of money and expect nothing to eventually happen.  Sure, in the short term those that are getting the money in the market are happy.  But...
  21. Because they ARE qualified?    ;)
  22. Under obama's watch, the title is the question.   From the article:  "...he has broken the cardinal rule of superpower deterrence: you must keep your word. In Syria he drew “a red line”: he would punish Bashar Assad if he used chemical weapons. The Syrian dictator did, and Mr Obama did nothing. In response to Russia’s aggression, he threatened fierce sanctions, only to unveil underwhelming ones."  Sounds weak to me.  What say you?   [Hidden Content]
  23. Curious about this statement.  Please explain!
  24. PAM, I guess the salient point is:  Would the NAALCP, or anyone who voted for and supported obama, not back Carson because he might not be qualified?  It didn't stop them concerning obama.  Just curious.
  25. Absolutely!  How can it not be?
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