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Everything posted by smitty

  1. The next five weeks looks good for Cruz... [Hidden Content]
  2. [Hidden Content]
  3. I am starting to get the same feeling. And it's not good... [Hidden Content]
  4. USA drops out of the top 10 on the economic freedom index. Again -- thank you obama! [Hidden Content]
  5. [Hidden Content]
  6. Ted got over 51,000 votes. More than any Republican candidate in the history of the Iowa caucus. He's running a Reagan-ish grassroots campaign. Excellent!
  7. LOL!!
  8. imam -- "ISIS has same beliefs that we do." So... [Hidden Content]
  9. So, Blue, it appears that you think that there is bias in the film industry and that quotas are needed?!
  10. Bad one or good one? [Hidden Content]
  11. Or did they? Part of a plan? [Hidden Content]
  12. Bet I could name the six! LOL!!
  13. [Hidden Content]
  14. What usually gets lost with liberals is that the Civil Rights Act was for equal opportunity "NOT" equal outcome. I guess this liberal in this article didn't learn that in Civics class. SMH! [Hidden Content]
  15. WOW!! [Hidden Content]
  16. Help us out. Bad one or good one? [Hidden Content]
  17. More obamanomics... [Hidden Content]
  18. Curious: Are these awards suppose to be for quality or quotas? Thoughts? [Hidden Content]
  19. [Hidden Content]
  20. Warming up to Ted... [Hidden Content]
  21. I'm sure Ryan will be history next election.
  22. This is the reason why! Sanction relief is coming this week. From the article: "One certainty: an estimated $56 billion to $100 billion cash infusion from frozen assets that comes with sanctions relief." [Hidden Content]
  23. Judge Jeanine gets it! [Hidden Content]
  24. [Hidden Content]
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