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Everything posted by smitty

  1. Recently obama thanked muslims for “building the very fabric of our nation” and claiming they were in part responsible for “the core of our democracy."  Well, let's see what some of the founding fathers had to say about it:  President Jefferson read the Quran and he learned that the muslim holy book commanded the faithful to “plunder and enslave” non-Muslims.  From the article: "John Quincy Adams, went further, arguing that the essence of islam is “violence and lust: to exalt the brutal over the spiritual part of human nature.” He suggested the quran’s commands to fight and conquer other lands “in the cause of allah” were at odds with democracy, peace and the Judeo-Christian ethic on which America was founded. “The precept of the Koran is perpetual war against all who deny that muhammad is the prophet of God.”" Two things here: obama's 100% at odds with the founding fathers.  Second, we say not all muslims have the same philosophy as the radical muslims.  But -- don't they read they same book?    [Hidden Content]
  2. This would be interesting!  Another interesting aspect is -- would the NAALCP support him?!  They should, shouldn't they??!!   [Hidden Content]
  3. I hope this doesn't break BigGirl's heart!  But, seriously, maybe the tide is turning.  When a far lefty like Barny Frank can see it, well, that says a lot!   [Hidden Content]
  4. Absolutely!  Evil needs a boogie man to keep their people/troops in line.  You are right: The Jewish race is what's in common.  Therefore, no difference between hitler and radical islam!!  But -- let's not fool ourselves, the Jews are just an excuse.  Radical islam would still be evil even if there was no Israel.  It goes far beyond that... 
  5. Fell free at any time to post something you want to discuss.  Never has been a problem.  But -- why be upset when this gets political?  The name of the forum is SETX Political Arena.  If you think your side is being unfairly criticized then bring proof to refute it. 
  6. A man takes the child to the wood shed!   The man-child could learn something about what a real leader looks AND acts like.  Will he?  Probably not!!   [Hidden Content]
  7. Not really looking for a debate.  But it's OK if there is.  A lot of my post are for educational purposes.  Stuff one will not see on the "lame stream media."   I take a "no response" as, one can't refute it.  Or, a liberal can't understand it!  Hence -- the need fo mo edumacation!      ;)
  8. smitty


    Steve, apparently more education doesn't equal common sense!   I need to ask BigGirl to respond to one of my post to see if she can actually connect the dots.  There are TWO situations there.  One's apparent and one not so apparent.  But none of the liberals responded.  Either didn't want to or couldn't connect the dots.  You know which why I'm leaning.  :D     But, the post does give us insight into liberalism!
  9. I'm sure you can do better than this!    :rolleyes:
  10. Anything for future democrat voters!    [Hidden Content]
  11. smitty


    I gradumacated from the "best of" schools!     ;)
  12. hamas captured an Israeli soldier an hour and a half after the truce began Friday morning. What does the anti-Israeli bunch here have to say about it?!   [Hidden Content]
  13. Like we say -- Low Information Voter...
  14. smitty


    When you've got nothing, you start talking about hate and racism.  The Low Information Voters eat it up!   ;)
  15. smitty


    I believe he's talking 'bout you, BigGirl:  Stop hating on Cruz!   That's the first thing I agree with him!   ;)
  16. Well -- maybe just for Israelis.  Is this more of hid antisemitism showing through again?  Or something else?   [Hidden Content]
  17. From the article: "Do you believe that the five male justices truly understood the ramifications of their decision?" Couric asked Ginsburg of the 5-4 Hobby Lobby ruling, which cleared the way for employers to deny insurance coverage of contraceptives to female workers on religious grounds. "I would have to say no," the 81-year-old justice replied. Asked if the five justices revealed a "blind spot" in their decision, Ginsburg said yes." This is a prime example why liberals should not be in charge.  What she is telling us here is that the law doesn't matter.  What she is saying is what these men on the court should be doing is social engineering.  They have a "blind spot" as for as women issues are concerned.  She's saying they should rule what she thinks is important and NOT what the law says about it.  This also is what happened on the Roe V. Wade.  They ruled on how they "felt" and not about the Constitution.  One will find no "right" to an abortion in the Constitution!   [Hidden Content]
  18. You hating on Cruz!  Why, I ask?!   :D
  19. Well, he "IS" a democrat!     ;)    [Hidden Content]
  20. Why you hating on Hispanics? 
  21. Isn't big government grand!   [Hidden Content]
  22. Video proof of what hamas thinks about their own citizens...   [Hidden Content]-
  23. hamas charter calls for the killing of Jews!!   [Hidden Content]
  24. obama put her there because of her hatefulness towards conservatives.  What else could it be?
  25. So, how should Israel respond to the rockets being lobbed into Israel?  And then, what do you do when hamas uses women and children as shields?  
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