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Everything posted by smitty

  1. First, Israel didn't start this.  Second, you obviously didn't watch the short video that was posted prior.  Short summary of it: What would happen if Israel layed down their arms and said we'll fight no more?  On the reverse side:  If all the arab countries around Israel layed down their arms and stated we'll fight no more.  What would be the two outcome scenarios?   Well, the first, there would be instant PEACE.  And the second one, there would be an instant destruction of Israel.   So, yes, Israel is innocent!  Connect the dots!!   [Hidden Content]
  2. I guess the salient question is:  WHY?   [Hidden Content]
  3. Why you ask?
  4. Once the truth is known and the curtain is pulled, this empty suit is turned against by the people.  Here's another example of something he can't get right!   [Hidden Content]
  5. If the question is why do I post the things i post, well, I post what obama actually does.  Any time you feel what I post is a lie, then by all means show me/us where it's wrong.  But, again, I'm going to post stuff you and the other libs aren't going to see on whatever ya'll watch or listen to.  But, what makes a lot of libs mad is not the fact that obama does these things, it's the fact that these things are exposed!
  6. The bold part:  You must.  You brought it up.  Again -- one can't learn by listening to one side of the argument.  Connect the dots!!
  7. Listen to what the top democrat in the House has to say about hamas.  Bizarre!      [Hidden Content]
  8. PAM, do you go to college?
  9. It's called education.  The Low Information Voter thinks obama's a saint.  I'm giving actual stuff going on that you and others don't see or hear from the sources ya'll frequent.  The stuff I show here, I know you haven't seen.  Just because you don't like what you see here doesn't mean it's wrong.  So, I will continue to show why obama is the worst President ever.  You can not defeat the enemy by ignoring them.    Or, is it that some can't handle the truth?!
  10. Check out who some of the protesters are.  Talk about cutting one's own throat.  Some people do not have a clue!!  Sad!   [Hidden Content]
  11. BigGirl, I asked a very simple question:  Why didn't he help this Christian woman?  Your thoughts?
  12. I just heard that as little as three years ago, the BISD had a 46 Million Dollar surplus.  What happened to it?
  13. If you don't watch it -- then how do you know it's full of it? 
  14. Actually, the definition is the majority that would vote for a nothing called obama.  So, name some accomplishments that are actually good for America!  On your second part, you think Hillarious Rodman clintonista is more qualified than Romney?  But sure, the same Low Information Voters will vote for Hillarious.  Unless they start paying attention. 
  15. new, here ya go.  This is not the "Ladies Aid Society!"  True, though, not all muslims are terrorist.  But lately the majority, if not all, terrorist have been muslims.        [Hidden Content]
  16. The question is:  Why is obama sympathetic to the radical terrorist?  It appears that he is anti-Israel.  Again -- why?   [Hidden Content]
  17. Does obama have respect for the laws of the United States?  If Yes, then give examples.  If No, then give examples.
  18. WOW!  Nothing from the left on this one?!    
  19. The cherished "independents" went for Romney this past election.  But didn't do any good.  We still have people out there that will vote for who's going to give them the most.  And we had baraka Claus promising the world to those that would fall for it.  Alexander Fraser Tyler stated: "A democracy cannot exist as a permanent form of government. It can only exist until the voters discover that they can vote themselves money from the Public Treasury. From that moment on the majority always votes for the candidates promising the most benefits from the Public Treasury with a result that a democracy always collapses over loose fiscal policy always followed by dictatorship."  Which is the party of the hand outs?  This is what we have to deal with.
  20. BigGirl, so, it's OK for you to receive tax breaks and not business'?   You do take tax deductions, don't you?
  21. PN-G, An obama is what we get when Low Information Voters can vote.  But -- what can be done?  Hopefully we put out enough education that it will eventually make a difference. 
  22. Ever growing size of government, massive debt and the continuous printing of money, it's only a matter of time before a massive crash happens.  When?  Who knows.  But, rest assured -- it will happen.  A government can not continue to print money and expect nothing to happen.  Check out the chart in this article and notice the uncanny parallel!    [Hidden Content]
  23. Hum, well the first one we'll have to discuss more.  The one about GE and Boeing:  Let me understand something -- if a business gets to keep more of what they earn then that is a subsidy?  So, if YOU take advantage of the tax laws and keep more of what you earn -- you do like that don't you? -- then you are receiving government subsidies?  Explain!
  24. bullets, I guess I'll ask the obvious question:  If they want to live here, then why not go through the LEGAL process like thousands before them have done?  Again -- it's the ILLEGAL part that should trouble everyone.  Because, just think about it -- legal citizen's tax dollars are going to be spent taking care of ILLEGAL immigrants.  This should not be right in anyone's book.  Thoughts?
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