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Everything posted by smitty

  1. What is obama doing to stop this Illegal invasion of our southern border?
  2. muslim's showing their love!   :huh:   [Hidden Content] [Hidden Content] [Hidden Content]
  3. Well, let's see what's been happening in the world:  A Malaysian airliner was shot down.  Probably by Russia.  And an ally, Israel, invades Gaza.  And what is our Pretender In Chief obama doing?  Fund raising and cracking jokes.  He's either a sorry individual or just totally incompetent!  Thoughts?
  4. Ha!  He put one of his/her on, BigGirl, in the Low Information Voter section.  Why?  To make it "fair and balanced?"  LOL!!      :rolleyes:
  5. obama violating the Hatch Act!     [Hidden Content]
  6. Bible also says if you don't work you don't eat.  Hummmm!
  7. Low Information Voters, by nature, do not have the information to even know they are Low Information Voters.   ;)
  8. I bet it wasn't in Political Science!       :D
  9. The epitome of a "Low Information Voter!"  She attacks our friend and the only democracy in that area.  Or is it that she is a racist?  It really doesn't matter what this confused, and apparent racist, person says or does.  But -- it's a prime example of what a "Low Information Voter" is.  BTW -- I wonder who she voted for??!!    ;)   [Hidden Content]
  10. It's no wonder why you TRY and convince people here that you are a conservative.  This usually happens when one is NOT!    We've connected the dots on this one!    ;)
  11. More thanks goes out to obama.  Not really.  He has NO respect for our tax dollars!!   [Hidden Content]
  12. My, my, BigGirl, what say you now?    [Hidden Content]
  13. True!!  It's all about conning the Low Information Voter out of their money and infringing on their rights.  And all of our rights if they have their way.  The Earth warms and cools depending on what the Sun does.  It's not rocket science.  But when you are dealing with a certain portion of the population, well, I guess it might as well be rocket science! 
  14. Planned Parenthood gets 500 Million of our tax dollars.  If we can't even stop giving money to stupid stuff like this, then it won't be long before we go over the edge.  Why?  Because fiscal responsibility has become something to laugh at!
  15. You are right on 2 out of 3!        :) ;)
  16. If everything that happened to Lerner is/was plausible -- then why did she plead the fifth??  PLUS -- Lois Lerner has been held in contempt of Congress.  Doesn't sound like an innocent person to me!  Does it to you?!
  17. BigGirl -- why do we need government involvement to do this?  
  18. I just wonder how bad it'll have to get for you to change your tune?!  Check out my "Ouch" post.  They have already learned what we already knew about obama.  You are next!     :)
  19. Bold part true. Basically every department they run is bankrupt.  Right?!  But -- part of the Constitution -- which obama SWORE to uphold -- is to protect Americans domestically and abroad.  An invasion by ILLEGAL people on our border is part of that protection.  PS -- I'm all for Perry handling the border.  Give him full reign -- and resources -- to call in the National Guard. 
  20. smitty


    It must be racism that's causing these people to say obama's the worst President ever!!     ;)   [Hidden Content]
  21. BigGirl -- so why did obama stop the fence from being build on the southern border? 
  22. The election of obama -- a non-qualified, incompetent empty suit is proof that the majority of Low Information Voters resides in the Democratic party.  The man-child is in over his head.  He can't even secure our borders.  And people still support him. 
  23. Let me agree with LumRaider:  Just because someone disagrees with me/us does not necessarily make them a Low Information Voter.  All I can say is -- Connect the dots...
  24. Low Information Voters.  No one yet has connected the dots!  Still waiting...
  25. Come on, Usedtobe,  she's waiting on obama and the government to tell her it's OK to use it!   LOL!!   :D
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