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Everything posted by smitty

  1. Is this woman on the video BigGirl?     ;)   [Hidden Content]
  2. Working?  Really?  Just curious:  What are you basing your observation on?
  3. Being a Constitutionalists is crap? 
  4. Did you read the post titled, Fun Facts 301?  It stated, "For every "1" job created, "75" people are put on food stamps." Is this a ratio you would deem satisfactory?
  5. Excellent!  Also, it's amazing how people wants the government to solve the problems that government caused in the first place.  Incredible!! 
  6. The future of any Liberal/Democratic rule?   Atlantic City had 6 democratic mayors in a row.  They finally wised up and elected a Republican that took office January 1.  But it appears a little to late...   [Hidden Content]
  7. Oh my!   [Hidden Content]
  8. I guess you are an AlGore disciple?!  
  9. BigGirl, would it be fair that someone else thinks you don't pay enough taxes?  And all the while they are working to make you pay more.  Fair?
  10. Steve, the only ones that made that argument about Bush was the drive-by media.  Hypocrisy is an amazing thing.  Where is the media concerning obama and not going to the border?  They are no where to be found.  Because it doesn't fit there liberal bias!  
  11. baddog, this video was for a specific purpose to help some "connect the dots."  It was leading some where.  These Liberals where apparently part of Occupy Wall Street.  Someone, no doubt, paid them to be there.  But, it's not what they were or were not doing was the point.  The point is -- they didn't have a clue why they were there.  This is the philosophy of a "Low Information Voter!   This was just used as an example.  Now, can you one make the argument that these clowns would vote Democrat?  Well, I think one would be correct in that argument!
  12. Man, if we didn't have Global Warming, it would have REALLY gotten cold!!  AlGore -- what an idiot!!   ROFLMAO!!!!     [Hidden Content]
  13. What was incorrect was your presumptions.  Connect the dots and you might understand what we mean concerning Low Information Voters.  With the things that you said, you are slightly incorrect.  Watch the videos again.  Especially the second one.  You might be able to "connect the dots" if you do!
  14. Heck, Baba, she could have meant obama's favorite Pastor, Jeremiah Wright.  Alias -- G D America!
  15. LOL!  Wasn't Clive fighting to protect his land?   obama told BigGirl that was wrong.  So, when she's not sure about something, she throws Clive's name out.   LMBO... PS -- Trojan, Peggy Bundy would have made about as much sense!    :)
  16. Just connect the dots!    Your presumptions are overwhelming!
  17. SMH...    ;)
  18. kicker, those are the talking points.  No where does it say that it has to make sense.  Just look at the second video.  They were told where to show up and protest.  But --  they didn't even know why or what they were protesting.  This is why they are called "Low Information Voters!"    Some drink 100% of the kool-aid.  You can tell be some of the responses here...
  19. American citizens can't get on commercial airlines without an ID.  So -- how are these ILLEGALS doing it??!!  Thanks obama! By the way -- who's paying for this??     [Hidden Content]
  20. BigGirl, I am not a blind supporter.   No, I did not agree with this.  There were a lot of things I did not agree with GW Bush.  If I can agree with 80% of my candidate, then once elected, we can always talk about the 20% we don't agree on.  But -- unlike the current President, Perry, as Governor and GW Bush, as Governor and President, act like adults.  And they do and did have a clue.  I'm not sure this President can even buy a clue!  So, although I may disagree with 20% of my candidates, they are still 1000% better obama...
  21. This is were I respectively disagree. 
  22. Let me understand something:  Was this lady acting or was it real? 
  23. My stance on any ILLEGAL in this country is that NO ONE should receive ANY form of taxpayer money!
  24. BigGirl -- let me ask you again:   Who decides what is fair??
  25. PAM, watching and listening is actually the key:   So, as a public service, here's another video for your education.   [Hidden Content]
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