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Everything posted by smitty

  1. First of all, you wanted to know what low information voters are.  I provided two examples.  Would be glad to provide more.  By the way, the bold proves what I said...
  2. Steve, stop, you gonna make BigGirl blow a fuse!  
  3. So, the problem you have with this is the one DOING the video?!    :huh: PAM -- the second video is TRUE Low Information Voters.  They didn't even know why they were there protesting!!    Again -- it was the one doing the video that bothered you?
  4. Jeezzzzz!!   [Hidden Content]
  5. We could cut the EPA in half and get it out of areas it does not belong.  Can you think of any of these areas?
  6. I started a new topic just for you titled "Low Information Voter."  Watch the videos.  There are more out there if you wish.
  7. Here ya go.  Enjoy...   [Hidden Content] [Hidden Content]
  8. Among muslims!  Well, DUH!!  SMH   [Hidden Content]
  9. It's the ILLEGAL part that bothers us.  And it should bother you also!
  10. obama -- aloof, bizarre, and detached!  Well, Democratic Congressman, welcome to the realization of something we already knew!   [Hidden Content]
  11. Don't misunderstand us, if you pay insurance premiums and they pay 100%, then that's great.  But -- What we have issue with is that the government forcing insurance companies to do it.  Who says birth control is a right that the government should get involved in?  Say I want a million dollar house.  Should the government get involved in that?  Because, remember, Big Girl, one of these days the government might/will force you to do something you do not agree with or want to do.  Then you are going to look around for help, and you won't find any because it's gone beyond the point of no return.  Think about it!.
  12. Appears so!  Thoughts?   [Hidden Content]
  13. For every "1" job created, "75" people are put on food stamps.  Well, not such a fun fact after all.  Sad, actually!  Welcome to obama's world of "fairness!"   SMH
  14. He started off by beating a sitting Governor.   Impressive!
  15. You are right:  Why would a normal business owner want to cut their own throat?
  16. Give us an unbiased opinion and we'll believe it.  You do realize he's a liberal!  So, what did you expect?
  17. I'm sure with the current regime there will be part 100 and beyond!    :D
  18. We should cut the EPA in half.  We should eliminate the departments of Education and Energy.  Thoughts?
  19. What we need is more gangs!  obama clueless!   LOL!!   [Hidden Content]
  20. Just found out that the Costco CEO is a big time liberal and big time obama fund raiser.  So, yes, it's strictly political.  The way you stop that is to boycott Costco if you disagree. 
  21. BigGirl -- Who decides what is fair?
  22. Government run amok?!   [Hidden Content]
  23. In 2008 a moderator ask obama a question and his responce: “I would look at raising the capital gains tax for purposes of fairness.”    Fairness. Not prosperity. Fairness!   [Hidden Content]
  24. He was impeached for lying to a federal Judge. 
  25. True.  They have access to what ever they want.  All they have to do is pay for it.  Not a problem.
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